


  business association 業務聯絡,交往

  business connection 業務聯絡

  close relationship 密切的關係

  closer ties 更密切的關係

  trade prospects/outlook 貿易前景

  trade cooperation 貿易合作

  technological cooperation 技術合作

  business cooperation 業務合作

  cooperative relationship 合作關係

  the scope of cooperation 合作範圍

  trade fair 貿易展銷會

  trade show 貿易展覽

  trade agreement 貿易協議

  to establish arrangement 達成協議

  to reach an agreement 達成協議

  trade terms/clause 貿易條款

  trade balance 貿易平衡

  to conclude a business transaction 達成貿易交易

  to work with 與……共事

  business activities 經濟活動

  business house 商行;商號

  trading department/mechanics 貿易機構

  trade association 貿易協會

  the foreign trade department 對外貿易部門

  C.C.P.I.T.*** China Council for the Promotion of International Trade***


  Commercial Counselor's Office


  Chamber of Commerce 商會

  trading partnership 經營合夥人

  foreign trade personnel 外貿工作者

  trading center 貿易中心

  trading market 貿易市場

  tradesman/trade peoples 商人,零售商

  to establish***enter into, set up***business relationship 建立業務關係

  to continue business relationship 繼續業務關係

  to present business relationship 保持業務關係

  to improve business relationship 改善業務關係

  to promote business relationship 促進業務關係

  to speed up business relationship 加快業務關係的發展

  to enlarge ***widen*** business relationship 擴大業務關係

  to restore ***resume*** business relationship 恢復業務關係

  to interrupt business relationship 中斷業務關係

  to cement business relationship 鞏固業務關係