At the bank where I was employed as a teller we were not allowed to eat while working. But one day,five months pregnant,I was ravenous. I opened a bag of potato chips and started to devour them. Just then I spotted one of our best customers and his wife heading my way. Quickly, I wiped my mouth and greeted them. As I processed their transaction,I noticed they were looking at me oddly.
On their way out, the man said,“I don't understand these young people.”
"Dear,that's a fashion statement,”his wife explained."It's a new type of brooch.”
I looked down to see what could have caused such controversy. To my horror,a large potato chip was resting neatly on my left shoulder.
Several years had passed since I worked for the federal government,but old habits died hard. A cable-television technician had just finished hooking up our service at home and told me he needed the 2185. I hadn't heard about this form before arid asked him," Where can I get that form'2185'"?
Looking at me peculiarly, he replied."Ma'am,it's money.$21.85. "
When my husband and I decided to rent a car and drive to Oregon to visit family, we discovered that many rental agreements come with restrictions. I}fter several calls,I finally asked a sweet young agent if her company had any restrictions on taking its rental cars out of state. After a bewildered pause,she replied,“Well. .. you have to bring it back."
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