Today, I went out with my best friend. When we arrived at the park, it rained. We had to run in the rain because we couldnt find a place to hide. But we still feel happy because we could comfort each other. The rain stopped later and I accompanied her go home. We played in her home for a while and she invited me for dinner. I refused because I feel it will bring trouble to his family. I am happy today because the new term is coming. I really want to see my classmates again.
2:In the Days of the Dinosaur
The Dinosaur Chase
By Hugh Price
One day, Big Dinosaur chased Little Dinosaur into a hole in a rock. Big Dinosaur was very hungry. He sat and waited for Little Dinosaur to come out, Big Dinosaur went on waiting for a long, long time.
A brown lizard ran across the ground and stopped to sit in the sun, just outside Little Dinosaur's hole, Big Dinosaur sat, very still, looking at the hole. Big Dinosaur saw Little Dinosaur's nose come out of the hole. He saw Little Dinosaur's head come out.
Then Little Dinosaur jumped at the lizard, and Big Dinosaur jumped at Little Dinosaur… but Big Dinosaur was too slow. Little Dinosaur raced away, just in time.
Big Dinosaur chased Little Dinosaur in and out of the trees. Big Dinosaur had great long legs. Big Dinosaur could run very fast, but the trees got in the way, and he could not catch up.
Then Little Dinosaur raced down to the ferns[f?:n] 羊齒植物 that grew in the wet mud by the river. Big Dinosaur was right behind him, Big Dinosaur was so big that he made the ground Shake.
Little Dinosaur jumped from fern to fern. Then he ran across the mud, Big Dinosaur chased him but Big Dinosaur was too big and too heavy, His legs went down into the mud, Big Dinosaur was stuck! Big Dinosaur was stuck for a long time, and so, once again, lucky Little Dinosaur got away!
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