1. airhead***傻蛋***: stupid person, idiot ***Ex: "How could you forget the keys? You are such an airhead!"***
2. chilling***放鬆***: relaxing, not doing anything that takes up a lot of energy ***Ex: "I'm just watching some TV. Since there's no homework today, I'm just going to chill."***
3. couch potato***電視迷***: a person who watches too much television ***Ex: "You've been watching TV all day. Don't be such a couch potato and get up!"***
4. flick***電影***: film; movie ***chick flick: movies for girls. Ex: "Let's watch a chick flick at the sleepover. Which one should we see? Mean Girls or The Notebook?"***
5. get it***明白***: to understand something ***Ex: "Your shirt looks really bad. I'm serious, it looks so ugly." "Okay, okay. I got it the first time."***
6. jock***體育高手***: someone good at sports ***Ex: "Tristan is the biggest jock in school. He's also the most popular guy among girls."***
7. loaded***富有***: someone with a lot of money ***Ex: "Did you see the car that drove her to school today? Her family must be loaded."***
8. party animal***派對狂***: someone that loves parties or go out to clubs ***Ex: "You've been partying every night this week. You are such a party animal!"***
9. rip off***宰客***: a fraud, something that isn’t actually worth the amount you paid for it ***Ex: "I bought these jeans for $100." "Really? I got the same ones for only $50!" "Wow, I got ripped off!" "Yeah, what a rip off."***
10. sweet***很棒***: excellent, cool ***Ex: "Hey, can you help me decorate the school gym for the dance?" "Yeah sure!" "Sweet, thanks!"***
11. turn-on***誘惑***: something that attracts you to someone ***Ex: "That guy can sing while playing the guitar. That is definitely a turn-on for me."***
12. up for it***願意做某事***: to be willing to do something, and have a good time ***Ex: "I really want to go bungee jumping. Want to go with me? Would you be up for it?"***
13. wicked***非常好***: excellent, cool ***more common among British speakers*** ***Ex: "That was so wicked! Can you do that again?"***
until you are blue in the face 幹到臉發青***也是白乾***
unwind 放鬆發條***輕鬆下來***
up for grabs 大家有份
up in the air 掛在空中***懸而未決***
when hell freezes over 地獄結冰***絕不可能的事***
weed out 除去雜草***淘汰***
well rounded全 能,全才
when pigs fly 豬飛的時候***絕不可能***
not lift a finger 連手指都不動一動***袖手旁觀***
wrapped around his/her little finger 化為繞指柔***玩弄於股掌之間***
stab in the back 背後插刀***遭人暗算***
stallion 千里駒***貌美體健的男人***
stud 種馬***貌美體健的男人***
swing for the fence 打全壘打
take a hike 走路*********
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