A college student was in a philosophy class which had a discussion about God’s existence.The professor presented the following logic:
"Has anyone in this class heard Gods Nobody spoke.
"Has anyone in this class touched God?”Again nobody spoke.
"Has anyone in this class seen God?"When nobody spoke for the hird time,he simply stated,"Then there is no God.”
One student thought for a second,and then asked for permission to reply. Curious to hear this bold student’s response,the professor granted it,and the student stood up and asked the following questions of his classmates:
"Has anyone in this class heard our professor's brain?"Silence.
"Has anyone in this class seen our professor's brain?”Silence.
When nobody in the class dared to speak,the student concluded,"Then,according to our professor’s logic,it must be true that our professor has no brain !”
Helen’s eyes was not very good,so she usually wore glasses.But when she was seventeen and she began to go out with a young man,she never wore her glasses when she was with him. When he came to the door totake her out,she took her glasses off,andwhen she came home again and he left,sheput them on.
One day her mother said to her,“But Helen,why do you never wear your glasses when you are with Jim? He takes you to beautiful places in his car, but you do not see anything.”
"Well,Mother,”said Helen,“I look prettier to Jim when I am not wearing glasses and he looks better to me too!”
A boy is about to go on his first date,and is nervous about what to talk about. He asks his father for advice.
The father replies,“My son,there are three subjects that always work. These are food,family,and philosophy.”
The boy picks up his date and they go to a soda fountain. Ice cream sodas in front of them,they stare at each other for a long time,as the boy's nervousness builds.
He remembers his father's advice,and chooses the first topic.
He asks the girl,“Do you like spinach?”She says“No",and the silence returns.
After a few more uncomfortable minutes,the boy thinks of his father’s suggestion and turns to the second item on the Iist.He asks,"Do yow have a brother?”Again,the girl says "No" and there is silence once again.
The boy then plays his last card. He thinks of his father’s advice and asks the girl the following question,“If you had a brother, would he like spinach?”