有關英語笑話帶翻譯:A threat 恐嚇
A commuter sitting on a subway train reading a paper back was so sprawled out in the seat that the woman next to him had very little room. When she asked if he could move a bit, he refused.
Just then, a man opposite them yelled, "Why don't you sit like a human being!"
"What are you going to do if I don't?" came the reply.
"Well, for one thing, I'll tell you how that book ends."
有關英語笑話帶翻譯:A clear explanation 最好的解釋
Working at a theater box-office ticket window poses many challenges in dealing with people.
A disgruntled customer at a window near mine exclaimed: "No tickets? What do you mean no tickets?"
The woman waiting on him smiled sweetly. "I'm terribly sorry," she replied. "Which word didn't you understand?"
有關英語笑話帶翻譯:I am Lost 老子迷路了
There was a man who raised a pig. He felt tired of it and gave it up. However, the pig knew the way to go home. The man did not succeed in doing so several times.
One day, the man drove an vehicle, turning many times on the way, then gave it up. Late at night, he telephoned to his family and asked: "Had the pig returned home?"
A member of his family answered: "It had." The man roared: "Let it answer the telephone. I am lost!"
答曰:“已歸!” 其怒吼:“讓它接電話,老子迷路了!
有關英語笑話帶翻譯:Patience 耐心
My friend and I were busy mending fences when my house-keeper arrived. Several times during the day, she drove out, returning 45 minutes later. Feeling curious, my friend asked her:
"Where do you keep going?"
"Some darn birds built a nest in my car bumper!" she exclaimed. "Every two hours I have to go home because the parents are waiting go feed their young. I wish they'd hurry up and raise those kids."
有關英語笑話帶翻譯:Good excuse 巧妙的藉口
Police officers hear plenty of excuses from people caught parking only for the handicappedpersons.
Once a policeman stopped a man for doing so. When the man was questioned if he knew the parking regulations. He answered correctly. Then the policeman further questioned why he was parking his car there.
"Oh, I injured my leg last week. The doctor said I would become disabled if I didn't get proper treatment. Now I'm experiencing what I feel like to be an disabled person."
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