

  成語寓言故事:A New Story About Near-sightedness近視新編

  In the past, there were two near-sighted men, Mr. A and Mr.B. They didn't admit they were near-sighted, but boasted about their good eyesight instead.


  One day, they heard that a new inscribed board was to be hung up in a temple, so they made an appointment with each other to have a contest of their eyesight. In order to win, both of them stealthily inquired beforehand about the characters inscribed on the board. When the day came, they went to the temple early in the morning.


  Mr. A looked up at the place for the board, wagged his head and said:


  "Aren't these the four characters `Guang Ming Zheng Da'***open and just***?"


  Mr. B added:


  "What is so strange about that? I can even make out the small characters on both sides. Look, aren't these the year, the month, and the name of the calligrapher?"


  The people standing nearby all burst into laughter and said:


  "The new inscribed board hasn't been hung up yet. Where are the characters you just read?"


  成語寓言故事:The Self-respect of the Buddhist and the Taoist佛道自尊

  In the past, there were two clay idols in a temple. On the left was the idol of Tai Shang Lao Jun, the founder of Taoism, and on the right the idol of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism.


  One day, a monk saw the two idols in the temple. He was displeased and said:


  "The power of Buddha is infinite. How can we condescend to allow the idol of Sakyamuni to be placed on the right of that of Tai Shang Lao Jun?"


  So the monk moved the Buddhist idol to the left of the Taoist ido1.


  Shortly afterwards, there came a Taoist priest. When he saw the situation, he felt offended and said:


  "Our Taoist doctrine is the highest and unsurpassed. How can we condescend to allow the Taoist idol to be placed on the right of the Buddhist idol?"


  So the Taoist priest moved the Taoist idol to the left of the Buddhist idol at once.


  Thus, the monk and the Taoist priest kept on moving the two idols right and left until the idols were broken into pieces in the end.


  成語寓言故事:Tweedledum and Tweedledee半斤八兩

  In the past, the grandson of a prime minister was a notorious spendthrift. He squandered all the family property and couldn't even afford his own meals, so he often borrowed rice from others.


  Once he borrowed another bag of rice. He carried it half- way and couldn't go any further, so he rested by the roadside. At this moment, a poor man in rags happened to pass by. He called this poor man, set the pay and let the poor man carry the rice for him.


  Unexpectedly, after carrying the rice for some distance, the poor man also panted and couldn't walk any further. The grandson complained:


  "I am the grandson of a prime minister. It is natural that I can neither lift with my hands nor carry on my shoulder anything heavy. But you are from a poor family. Why are you also so useless?"


  Unwilling to give in, the poor man glared and retorted:


  "How can you blame me? I am not from a poor family. I am the grandson of a prime minister, too."
