成語寓言故事:A Man of Song Presents a Piece of Jade宋人獻玉
There was a man of the State of Song who liked to curry favour with others.
One day, he got a piece of uncarved jade and went to present it to Zi Han, a minister of the State of Song, with the intention to ingratiate himself with the official.
Zi Han adamantly refused to accept it.
Thereupon, this man said in honeyed words:
"This is a piece of rare jade. I regard it as a treasure suitable for a gentleman's utensil. If it gets into the hands of an old gentleman like you, to be worn by you or put on your dining table, that would be most suitable and fitting. I am an unrefined man, not deserving such a valuable treasure."
"You may regard this piece of jade as a treasure," said Zi Han, "but I do not accept other's fawning, nor do I regard this kind of conduct a treasure."
The man of Song felt he had asked for a snub and sneaked away.
成語寓言故事:Complementing Each Other相輔相成
In the past, a man bragged about his bow: "There is no bow better than mine. It doesn't need any arrow!"
Another man bragged about his arrow:"There is no arrow better than而ne. It doesn't need any bow!"
At that time, a man good at archery happened to pass by and heard their dialogue. He said:
"You are both wrong. One cannot shoot an arrow without a bow; and without an arrow, how can one hit the target?"
Thereupon, the man good at archery asked them to take out their bow and arrow. Then he showed them how to shoot at the target with a bow and an arrow.
Now they understood: A bow won't do without an arrow; nor an arrow without a bow. They complement each other.
In ancient times, there was a man who sold spears as well as shields.
One day, he hawked his wares at the market and was very pleased with himself. He held up a shield and said: "My shield is very strong. No matter how sharp a spear is, it cannot pierce my shield."
After that, he held up his spear and bragged: "My spear is very sharp. No matter how strong a shield is, my spear can pierce it.
When the people standing by heard this, they laughed up their sleeves. One of them asked him:
"According to what you said, your spear is the sharpest. No matter how strong a shield is, your spear can pierce it. Your shield is also the strongest. No matter how sharp a spear is, it cannot pierce your shield. Now, if I poke your shield with your spear, what will be the result?"
The man was so embarrassed that he could not utter a single word.
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