1.You're playing to win
One of the deadliest killers of relationships is thecompetitive urge, the attitude that the relationshipitself is a kind of game that you're tying to win. People in competitive relationships are alwayslooking for an advantage, the upper hand, someedge they can hold over their partner's head.
2.You don't trust
There are two aspects of trust that are important in relationships. One is trusting your partnerenough to know that s/he won't cheat on you or otherwise hurt you — and to know that he orshe trusts you that way, too. The other is trusting them enough to know they won't leave youor stop loving you no matter what you do or say.
3. You don't talk
Too many people hold their tongues about things that bother or upset them in theirrelationship, either because they don't want to hurt their partner, or because they're trying towin. Ultimately, keeping quiet reflects a lack of trust — and, as I said that's the death of arelationship.
4. You don't listen
Listening — really listening — is hard. It's normal to want to defend ourselves when we hearsomething that seems like criticism, so instead of really hearing someone out, we interrupt toexplain or excuse ourselves, or we turn inward to prepare our defense. If you can't listenactively, at least to the person you love, there's a problem.
5. You spend like a single person
When you're single, you can buy whatever you want, whenever you want, with little regard forthe future. It's not necessarily wise, but you're the only one who has to pay the consequences. When you are with someone in a long-term relationship, that is no longer a possibility. If you'respending money as if it was your money and nobody else has a right to tell you what to do withit, your relationship is doomed.
這個俗語就是number is up。很奇怪是吧?它起源於一次大戰期間軍隊裡的行話,說“His number is up”,意思就是“他陣亡了”。這裡的number是指軍人的***。現在這個片語的意思拓展了,表示“One is in grave difficulty or neardeath”,就是說“某人處在非常困難的境地,或是要死了”,比如:
For 30 years our congressman has done a prettygood job in Washington. But this time I think hisnumber is up - he has a smart young man runningagainst him with a lot of new ideas.
這段話裡his number is up意思是“他的政治生涯完蛋了”,換句話說就是他大難臨頭了。
Number is up 還表示“要死了”: He looks terrible; I think his number's up. 他看起來很糟糕,我想他快要死了。
希望大家都不要碰到 number is up那一天。
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