


  1. give the eye 拋媚眼,送秋波

  To give就是:給。Eye就是:眼睛。Give the eye從字面上來解釋沒有什麼意思。作為一個習慣用語,give the eye是指男女之間的眼神。

  要是一個年輕男子give the eye, 那就是說,他對某個女孩子感興趣。Give the eye也同樣可以用在女孩子身上。下面就是一個例子。例句裡說話的人的名字就算是Don吧。他是一個大學生。現在他正和他的朋友Willy在校園裡的咖啡休息。Don對Willy說:

  例句-1:Willy, don't look now, but when you get a chance take a look at that girl sitting overthere alone. I think she's in my biology class. And, you know something - I think she's trying togive me the eye. Maybe I ought to go over and say hello.

  Willy, 你現在先別看。等一會有機會,你看一看那邊獨自坐著的那個女孩子。她好像是我們生物課裡的一個同學。你知道嗎,我覺得她在對我暗送秋波。也許我該走過去打個招呼。

  2. give the once-over 非同一般地看某人

  Once在中文裡就是:一次; over有許多解釋,例如越過,上面,完了等。 Give the once-over的意思是:非同一般地看一個人。 Give the once-over這個說法實際上是和give the eye的意思是一樣的。也就是說,這兩個習慣用語可以換著用。



  例句-2:When I give the once-over, she finally gave me a nice smile so I went over to tell her: "haven't we met someplace before?" She asked me to sit down and we got acquainted and lookat this, Willy - she gave me her phone number!

  當我盯著她看的時候,她終於對我笑了一笑。所以,我走過去對她說:“我們是不是以前在什麼地方見過面?”她讓我坐下,我們就這樣認識了。你看,Willy, 她把她的電話號碼都給我了。

  美國年輕人在想認識一個他喜歡的女孩子的時候往往會說,我們好象以前見過面吧 - 也就是: haven't wemet someplace before? 他們經常用這句話來問對方,實際上是借了這個話題來認識對方。當然,女孩子對男孩子感興趣時也可能會這麼說。

  3. size up 估量;符合要求


  那一天,他下班後在馬路上碰到他的老朋友Willy, 倆人就到酒吧去喝一杯酒,聊聊天。Willy就問Don, 怎麼樣,結婚了沒有啊?Don回答說:

  例句-3:Oh, yeah, I'm settled down all right. I married Barbara about three years ago; as soonas I met her I right away sized her up as the girl I wanted to marry. It took her three moreyears to agree, but we've been very happy and already have a daughter with more on the way, I'm sure.


  Break 10 解

  1. break up 分手/解散 Four months ago , my girlfriendand I broke up.


  The police had to employ force to break up thecrowd.


  2. break down 精神崩潰/毀壞 The machine must breakdown at this busy hour.


  He finally break down under the four-hour's strain.


  3. break in 破門而入 Robbers often break in at midnight.


  4. break out 出皮疹/爆發 His efforts were brought to naught when the war broke out.


  bring to naught: 使化為烏有,使成泡影;使毀滅 The baby broke out in a rash.


  rash :n. [面板] 皮疹;突然大量出現的事物

  5. break off 休息一下/暫停 Let's break off work for a few minutes.


  6. break through 突破/穿過 The sun broke through the clouds.


  We hope to break through soon in the fight against AIDS.


  7. break even 不賺不賠,收支平衡 It will be a year before the firm makes a profit but at least it'sbreaking even.


  8. the break of dawn 破曉 She got up at the break of dawn


  9. break the ice 打破僵局/破冰 The host told a joke to his guest to break the ice.


  10. break the bank 太貴 Come on! One evening at the theatre won't break the bank.

  得啦! 看一晚上戲不會傾家蕩產的。