Three years ago Mr. Nelson went to another town that was at longitude 24 degrees east. It was a good location to earn some money. Having looked into the file, Mr. Nelson was accepted to be a locomotive engineer in the local railway station. Every day, after other workers finished loading up logs, he began to work. Mr. Nelson could not go home often. He only looked in his family when the train passed by his hometown. His wife looked after their daughter well.
Mr. Nelson liked to look back on the time he spent with his daughter. He looked on her as treasure and missed her for long. He promised to tell her a story recorded in a ship log next time. As long as Mr. Nelson was gone, he felt lonely. Loneliness made him a logical thinker. He seldom spoke, which caused the others to look down on him. But he did not care. He was sad no longer because he would see his daughter before long. His longing had been awakened. He had been looking forward to the exciting moment. Mr. Nelson asked his boss for a loan of 50 dollar to buy a gift for his daughter. He put the gift into his locker and locked it. That night, Mr. Nelson ate a loaf of bread then lodged at the lobby of the railway station. The lodging was not comfortable but he had a good dream.
Mr. Parker was a lord whom everyone looked up to. He had a lumber mill. Every morning, he used a lorry to carry the lumbers to the railway station. In the lounge of the railway station, there were signs everywhere warning people to look out for their luggage. But Mr. Parker did lose his that morning. The loss would cause much trouble. When he was at a loss, he was lucky to hear a nice voice from a loudspeaker announcing that his lost luggage was found.
Mr. Parker went to the lost and found office. He saw a lovely woman. Her wavy hair fell in loose loops upon her shoulder. Mr. Parker fell in love with her at once. He was so nervous that he lowered his head and loosened his tie. From then on, Mr. Parker lubricated the wheels of her bike every day. He looked up the most affecting words in the dictionary to write essays. He asked the woman to look over the essays written for her. She looked through them and handed them back without comments. Mr. Parker did not give up. One day the woman told him that she was afraid because she felt a lump in her left lung. Mr. Parker spent the most difficult time with her. He was entirely loyal to her. They became lovers after she recovered. According to the lunar calendar, they would marry during the spring festival. The woman objected to luxury on their marriage and Mr. Parker agreed with her.
A literary man lived on writing. His penname was Lion. The readers felt a little difficult to understand his literature literally. His language was living and changing all the time. But little by little, they were in line with his opinion. Lion lived up to what readers expected of him. Before he wrote a new novel, he listed all the things he had to do.
Liquor was the most important thing. He thought there was a link between drinking liquor and writing literature. Liquor was a kind of liquid food to him and made his mind lively. He loved the feeling from the liquor kissed his lips. Lion lingered round the bar all the night. During the past 10 years, he gained quite a little knowledge about liquor. About his health, the doctor said it was just a touch of liver. He still drank 1 liter of liquor every morning. After that, he put on a shirt made of linen. Next he began to write in the living-room. It would last a long time until he finished the novel. Then he would take an air liner to another city for travel. In the airport, the passengers lined up in a "1" formation. Once Lion even saw several birds fly in line when he was in an airplane.
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