Waiting for Hares by the Tree
In the past, there was a farmer in the State of Song. There stood a big tree in the field he cultivated. One day, while working in the field, he suddenly saw a
hare running by in front of him. The bare bumped against the big tree, broke its neck and died under the tree.
Without any effort, the farmer happily enjoyed a meal of bare meat. He was very pleased and thought how nice it would be if every day were like this.
Thereupon, he no longer cultivated his land, but watched by that tree and waited for the chance to pick up another hare which knocked itself dead against the tree.
He waited and waited and watched. His field lay waste, but he never got a second hare. The people in the village laughed at him for taking the accidental for the inevitable.
Refined Songs Find Few Singers
Long, long ago, King Wei of the State of Chu trusted Song Yu very much, but he often heard others say bad things against Song Yu.
One day, King Wei of Chu asked Song Yu:
"Have you ever done anything unfitting to your position? Otherwise, why do officials and people say bad things against you?"
Song Yu quickly kowtowed and said:
"Yes, it may be so. I hope Your Majesty will forgive my wrongdoings and allow me to finish what I have to say."
Then he continued:
"I hear that there is a singer who often sings in the capital. In the beginning, he always sings the "Song of the Rustic Poor", and several thousand people sing with him. When he sings the song "Picking Vetches at Yangling", several hundred people sing with him; when he sings the song "Spring Snow", only over ten people sing with him. Finally, when he sings an even more refined song, only very few people in the whole state can sing with him. Therefore, the more refined the song he sings, the fewer people can join him."
The King of Yan Learns Taoism
During the Warring States Period, a man was willing to teach the King of Yan the ways to attain immortality.
The King of Yan was very glad when he heard of this, and quickly sent someone to acknowledge the man as master and learn from him. But before the man he sent had a chance to learn, that man died. The man he sent could only return dejectedly.
At this the King of Yan flew into a rage. He rebuked the man for walking too slowly to get there in time, and ordered to have him killed.
The King of Yan never realized that the man who boasted himself as an immortal was deceiving him, but instead, he blamed the man he sent for walking too slowly.
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