








  Speaking of Christmas, we is the deepest impression is that a Santa Claus, that's a very kind old man, responsive, and will give the children some gift; There is Santa Claus to a Christmas gift, that is something we like.

  This year, our school grade six had a Christmas party, the other grade students all run to watch. I also go to visit, it is nice to think they do.

  Hanging above YiZhanZhan six ***1*** class a flashing fluorescent, can be beautiful! Hanging above also many cloth, paper, plastic items. Some sixth grade class also decorate a Christmas tree. Tree hung with many lights, small gifts. Inside each of the six grade class has a student dressed as Santa Claus. They wear Christmas hat, mouth sticking a pair of white beard, wearing a coat, like a Santa Claus. The students of grade three or four saw all call him old Santa Claus, also to present to him! May have caused the several grade six big brother all in distress situation.

  I saw there is very lively, sixth grade is to return to their side to the opposite. Because we are with them three floors above, just across a courtyard. I saw them very well, really want to go and play with them, talking and laughing together. However, there are too many people on the other side the sixth grade, crowded all crowded don't in the past, and together they crowded bad teaching building!

  I really want to say to our teacher in charge teacher announcement in Christmas on December 25, we can also once such party!


  In one afternoon, lunch break, I hand in your homework to the teacher's office, overheard Ma Qiujia, shu xin, Guo Yuyang at the mention of the Christmas party, I just see what is going to have a Christmas party on Friday.

  Don't, the next day they wrote on the blackboard, I am very excited, because there are wonderful sweepstakes! I don't know what you will receive a gift. Alas! I wish don't like last year, what the hell get. A moment on Friday, every classmate with lucky draw gift, and the decoration of the classroom. Alone in the classroom is decorated, window stickers, spray snow has everything, fluorescent lamp is full of children on the ribbons, showing festive lively. Then began to show, classmates, versatile, and the Latin dance, shu xin, xu Ding Guhuan environmental sketch - everything, and then send candy, we have no time to eat, and then sent cookies, kumquat.

  Finally, we are reluctant to go to the end of the party!