太極拳***Tai Chi***是一系列緩慢的動作,旨在修煉身心。它就像是一種舞蹈,卻不需要你隨音樂起舞,而是需要你向內看,聆聽內心的節奏。它創自數千年前,原本是一種武術***martial art***—一種自衛的技藝。然而,它的武術方面如今不太流行了。目前全世界成千上萬人練習它,主要是由於它對於人類健康的神奇作用。它將身體動作與平靜、冥想的***meditative***心理狀態結合起來,所以也被稱作“冥想運動***meditation in motion*** ”。
Tai Chi is a series of slow movements which are aimed at trainning us physically and mentally.It is just like a dance that requires you to look inside and dance to the internal rhythmsinstead of music. It was created thousands of years ago as a martial art and specifically as adefensive art. However, nowadays its martial aspect is not that popular. It is practiced bythousands of people around the world mostly because of its miraculous effects on human'shealth. It is often called “meditation in motion” because it combines the body's movementswith the calm and meditative state of mind.
1.修煉身心:可譯為train us physically and mentally 或者譯為 train the body and mind 此處譯文的us為補譯的內容,為的是使英語句子結構完整。
2.隨音樂起舞:應譯為dance to the music,其中dance to是一種固定表達方式,表示“隨著…起舞”之意。
3.一種自衛的技藝:應譯為a defensive art。這裡的“技藝”指“手腳靈巧, 有技能”,所以不能翻譯成technique。
4.它對於人類健康的神奇作用:翻譯為its miraculous effects on human's health,其中要注意與effects搭配使用的介詞為on。
中國象棋屬於二人對抗戰略性棋盤遊戲,是最受歡迎的棋盤遊戲之一。在中國古代,象棋被列為士大夫們的修身之藝,現在則被視為一種益智的活動。象棋由兩人輪流走子,以“將死”對方的將***帥***為勝。象棋棋盤共有64格,中間的“河界”將之分為兩個“敵對”的部分。每人各有棋子16枚,包括1枚將、 2枚馬、2枚車***chariot***、2枚象***相***、2枚士、2枚炮和5枚丟***pawn ***。 一般而言,執紅色棋子的一方先走子。
Chinese chess, known as Xiangqi, is a strategy board game for two players. It is one of themost popular board games. In ancient China, Chinese chess used to be listed as a way forscholar-officials to cultivate their moral characters, while now it's regarded as a kind ofactivities to develop intelligence. The two players move by turn in the game with theobjective of checkmating the opponent's general or king. The board itself has 64 squares andhas a “river” in the middle that divides the board into two opposing parts. Each player has 16pieces, including 1 general ***king***, 2 horses, 2 chariots, 2 elephants ***bishops***, 2 guards, 2cannons and 5 pawns. Generally speaking, the player with the red pieces moves first.
1.戰略型棋盤遊戲:可採取直譯法,將三個名詞並列翻譯,即strategy board game。
2.士大夫:指封建社會中的官僚階層,也指還沒做官的讀書人,所以可譯為 scholar-bureaucrat 或者scholar-officials。
3.修身之藝:修身指提高自己的道德修養,可譯為cultivate one's moral character;按照文字語境,“藝”在這裡指“方式”,可譯為way。
4.象棋由兩人輪流走子:如果採用直譯法,得需要採用被動語態,譯為 Chinese chess is alternately playedby two players.但後面的句子“以將死對方的將***帥***為勝”則需翻譯為Its objective is...故不如採用主動語態,將兩句話翻譯為帶with的複合結構。
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