儒家思想***Confucianism***是中國影響最大的思想流派,也是中國古代的主流意識。自漢代以來,儒家思想就是封建統治階級***feudal ruling class***的指導思想之一。儒家思想的核心其實是一種人道主義***humanism***。它提倡自我修養,認為人是可教化的、可完善的。儒家思想的一個巨集大的目標就是實現“大同社會”,在這樣的一個社會中,每個人都能扮演好自己的角色,並與他人維持良好的關係。
Confucianism is the largest Chinese school of thoughts, and the mainstream consciousness ofthe ancient China. Confucianism had been one of the ruling doctrines of the feudal ruling classsince the Han Dynasty. The core of Confucianism is actually a kind of humanism. It advocatesself- cultivation, and believes that human beings are teachable and improvable. A grand goalof Confucianism is to achieve a harmonious society in which each individual plays his or herpart well, and maintains a good relationship with others.
1.思想流派:可譯為school of thoughts。
2.指導思想:可譯為ruling doctrine,也可直譯為guiding ideology。
5.大同社會:孔子所提出的“大同”的特徵是:“大道之行也,天下為公。選賢與能,講信修睦…”從字面上也可看出,“大同”即為“和諧”之意, 故“大同社會”可譯為 harmonious society 或 perfect society。
6.每個人:除可譯為everybody、everyone以外,還可譯為each individual, 更加強調個體。“扮演好某人的角色”即為play one's part/role well。
During the late Qing Dynasty, a large number of Chinese fans exquisitely carved and gorgeouslypainted were produced in Canton ***now called Guang dong***. These fans later were in goodgraces of western merchants. After they were shipped to Europe and America, they becamefashionable accessories for noblewomen. The materials used to make Chinese fans were mostlyexquisitely carved ivory, pearls and shells and lacquer. These Chinese fans showed manyfigures of Mandarins and their consorts. Mysterious oriental sentiment as they presented, eachlady in upper-middle class family at that time owned a Chinese fan to show off her wealth andnobility.
1.雕刻精美、描繪華麗:“精美”可譯為exquisitely; “華麗”可譯為gorgeously;這兩個詞都不常用,也可以用beautifully一詞表達。
2.被…青睞:可譯為 find favour in one's eyes 或 be in good graces of,屬固定表達。
5.清朝官員:可直譯為Qin officials。但在英語中也可以用Mandarin來表示舊中國的官員。
7.情調:指“情感體驗”,可譯為sentiment或者sentimental tone。
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