


  The American patent system, provided for in the Constitution, was designed to encourage the creation and use of new technology. An inventor would describe the invention, both in writing and with drawings, and __47__ the description with a model to a government official. If the invention was judged to be ___48__ and beneficial, the official would give the inventor a patent. The patent meant that for 14 years the inventor owned the new invention. Inventors could ___49__ their ideas to manufacturers or just use them themselves. The government would not ___50__ any other patent for the same idea, and the inventor could ___51__ anyone of using the patented idea with- out paying the owner of the patent for ___52__ to use it.

  A useful patent meant that the inventor could make a lot of money. In exchange for this gover- nmental protection, the government published the patent __53___ , which had to provide enough information so that other people could understand the invention—thus adding to the general__54_technological knowledge. And at the end of the 14 years, anyone could use the invention for__55__.The idea behind the patent system was twofold: it would increase the amount of technology, by providing a way for people to make money out of new ideas, and it would make new technology widely available, by publicizing ideas that might ___56__ be kept as trade secrets.

  A*** license I *** specifications B*** however J *** yield C*** accuse K*** issue D*** submit L*** charge

  E*** convenient M*** available F*** permission N*** otherwise G*** enable O*** original H*** free


  47.D 此處需要一個動詞。本句敘述申請專利的程式:申請人申請專利時需要對發明進行具體描述,然後將描述和樣品一同提交政府官員,故填submit一詞。

  48.O 此處需要填入一個形容詞和beneficial並列作表語。此句介紹政府官員簽發專利的條件是原創性和有用性,故填original。

  49.A 空格前為情態動詞could,所以此處需要填入一個動詞原形。此處和or後面的use them themselves意義上是對應的。根據常識,申請人獲得專利後,專利當然可以自己使用,也可以轉讓給其他人,故填license“許可,特許”。

  50.K 此處需要填入一個動詞原形。政府為一項發明簽發專利後,當然不能再為同樣的創意簽發專利,故填issue“簽發,發行”。

  51.C 空格前為情態動詞could,所以此處需要填入一個動詞原形和後面的介詞of 搭配使用。句子用without 引導條件——如果沒有支付費並獲准使用就擅自使用該專利,因為專利受法律保護,發明人有權對其進行起訴。accuse和charge都有“控告,控訴”的意思,但是用法不同,分別為accuse sb. of sth.和charge sb. with sth. ,故排除charge。  52.F 此處需要填入一個名詞作介詞for 的賓語。使用專利的人要向專利發明人支付費用, 獲得使用權後才能取得專利的使用權。故填permission“許可”。

  53.I 此處需要一個名詞。對於專利,政府一方面實施保護政策,另一方面,為了讓大眾瞭解專利的相關知識,政府會出版專利的詳細說明,所以填specifications“說明書”。

  54.M 此處需要一個形容詞,修飾其後的名詞knowledge。政府出版專利詳細說明的目的是讓大眾能夠了解發明,所以填available“可利用的” 。

  55.H 上一段中提到美國政府在專利申訴的14年內進行保護,在這14年申報人擁有專利的所有權,超過14年,任何人都可以免費使用該專利。此處考查固定短語 for fre“免費的”。

  56.N 句子主謂結構完整,空格處可以填入一個副詞。publicizing ideas和定語從句中的be kept as trade secrets 之間是對比關係,因此需要填入一個表示轉折意義的副詞 otherwise。otherwise 和 however 都可以表示引導意義的轉折,但however常用插入語,其前後需要加逗號,而otherwise 不需要。


  A pioneering study into the effects of a mother’s fat intake during pregnancy on her child’s health when he or she grows up is being launched at the University of Southampton.

  The research will investigate whether the type and amount of fat a mother eats during pregnancy 11 the risk of heart disease, 12 high blood pressure, in her child when he or she reaches adulthood.

  Although the link between high fat diets and high blood pressure is well known, there has been 13 research into the connection between a woman’s diet and her child’s risk of hypertension ***高血壓***.

  The study, which is 14 by the British Heart Foundation, is led by Dr Graham Burdge, British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular Science.

  The award of this 15 grant is part of a £3.5 million boost for heart research in the UK by the British Heart Foundation. The charity’s special grants are made to fund research into the causes, prevention, 16 and treatment of heart disease, the UK’s biggest killer.

  Dr Burdge says, “The type and amount of fat in our diet has 17 during the past 50 years. Pregnant women 18 the same diet as the rest of us, but we know very little about the 19 of these changes in dietary ***飲食的*** fat on the development and future health of their children. We hope that the 20 of this study will help to develop recommendations for pregnant women about how much fat they should eat and what types of fat they should avoid.”

  A*** funded  I*** consume B*** diagnosis J*** covering

  C*** including  K*** influences D*** founded L*** notorious

  E*** changed M*** effects F*** enough N*** affects

  G*** findings O*** prestigious H*** limited


  11. K***。此處講孕婦攝入的脂肪量和種類是否對心臟病的患病率有影響。

  12. C***。此處講研究還包括孕婦攝入的脂肪量和種類同高血壓患病率之間的關係。

  13. H***。此處講儘管人們熟知高脂肪飲食與高血壓之間有必然的聯絡,但是對於母親飲食習慣與她的孩子患高血壓的風險之間的相關研究卻比較少。

  14. A***。此處講該項研究是由英國心臟病基金會資助的。

  15. O***。prestigious的意思是“著名的,有聲望的”。此處講這項很有名的基金是英國心臟病基金會為加大對心臟病研究而投入的資金的一部分。

  16. B***。此處講這部分慈善基金用於針對心臟病的起因、預防、診斷與治療方面的研究工作。

  17. E***。此處需要動詞的過去分詞,A***和H***已經選過,只剩餘D***和E***,而此處講的是我們飲食中的脂肪的種類和數量在過去的50年裡已經發生變化。D***項的意思是“建立”,與句意不符。

  18. I***。此處講孕婦和我們飲食相同,consume的意思是“消耗”,符合文意。

  19. M***。此處講雖然孕婦和我們飲食相同,但是我們對孕婦飲食中脂肪的改變對其孩子未來健康和發育的影響知之甚少。此處是指飲食中脂肪改變所起的作用。要用名詞形式effect;affect是動詞。

  20. G***。此處是說研究結果可以幫助我們為孕婦提一些建議,該攝入多少脂肪以及什麼樣的脂肪應該避免攝入。