敦煌莫高窟***Dunhuang Mogao Caves***坐落於中國西部甘肅省。這些石窟刻於距離敦煌東南方向25公里處鳴沙山的懸崖上。敦煌莫高窟是規模最大、儲存時間最長的佛教***Buddhist***藝術寶庫,現存735個洞窟,壁畫***frescoes***4萬5千多平方米。這些壁畫展現了佛***Buddha***的形象和活動以及人與神之間的關係。敦煌壁畫中的舞蹈人物是全人類的一顆璀璨的寶石。敦煌莫高窟在1987年被列入世界遺產名錄***World Heritage Iist***。
1.第2句中的定語“距離教煌東南方向25公里處鳴沙山的”較長,故將其處理成後置定語按英文的表達習慣,把相關性強的詞語放一起,故將“鳴沙山”後置於cliff,但如果把on amount called Mingsha 直接置於 on a cliff後,則讀起來不順祕,故把on a mount called Mingsha置於句末。
2.第3句中的“現存735個洞窟,壁畫4萬5千多平方米”如果譯為there now exist..., and...,則句型結構是鬆散,宜將其處理成伴隨狀語,用 with more than 45,000 square meters of frescoes in 735 caves 來表達,更能體現出壁畫和洞窟的關係。
3.翻譯倒數第2句“教煌壁腳中的舞蹈人物是全人類的一顆璀璨的寶石”時,先譯出主要結構***dancing imagesare a jewel***,“敦煌壁畫中的”作主語的後置定語,用in Dunhuang frescoes來表達,“全人類的” 作賓語的後置定語,譯作for all human beings。
4.最後一句中的“被列人世界遺產名錄”可譯為was listed on the World Heritage List。但這種譯法會產生兩個list,根據英語避免重複用間的表達習慣,宜直接套用介詞短語on the list來表達。
Dunhuang Mogao Caves are located in western China's Gansu Province. These caves were cut a cliff 25 kilometers southeast to Dunhuang, on a mount called Mingsha. Dunhuang Mogao Caves are regarded the biggest and the longest preserved Buddhist art treasures, with more than 46,000 square meters of frescoes in 735 caves. Dunhuang frescoes display Buddha's images and behaviour, and the relationship between Buddha and men. Dancing images in Dunhuang frescoes are a brilliant jewel for all human beings. Dunhuang Mogao Caves was on the World Heritage List in 1987.
唐三彩***Tricolor-glazed Pottery of the Tang Dynasty***是一種著名陶瓷***pottery***。它的誕生可以追溯到唐朝以前。“三彩”是多彩的意思,並不是只有三種顏色。唐三彩吸取了中國國畫和雕塑***sculpture***的技巧,成為 一種風格獨犄的藝術品。它以造型生動、色彩豐寓而著稱。唐代是一個繁榮昌盛的時代,唐三彩就盛行於此時。 在那時唐三彩不僅在國內風行一時,而且還聞名於海外。
1.第2句中的“追溯到……”用動詞片語date back to來表達,該片語用主動語態,後接名詞或名詞短語。如果用traceback to,則用被動語態。“唐朝以前”應理解為“唐朝以前的時期”,故翻譯時要採取“增譯”法,表 達為 the time beforethe Tang Dynasty。
2.第4句中的定語“中國國畫和雕塑的”較長,故將其處理成後置定語,用介詞短語of Chinese painting and sculpture來表達。仔細分析後發現,“成為一種風格獨特的藝術品”表結果,故用不定式to form a unique style ofarts來表達,作結果狀語。
3.倒數第2句“唐代是一個繁榮昌盛的時代,唐三彩就盛行於此時”如果逐字對譯為the Tang Dynasty was atime of prosperity, and the pottery was popular at this time 則顯得生硬、冗長。這裡“此時”指的就是唐代,可用when引導時間狀語從句,將兩分句結合起來使句子結構更緊湊。
4.最後一句可套用not only... but also句型;“在國內”和“於海外”作狀語置句末,分別用at home和abroad來表達。
Tricolor-glazed Pottery of the Tang Dynasty is a kindof famous pottery. Its birth could date back to thetime before the Tang Dynasty. "Tricolor" means a lotof colors rather than just three colors. The potteryabsorbed the techniques of Chinese painting andsculpture to form a unique style of arts. It isknown for its vivid figures and rich colors. The Tang Dynasty was a time of prosperity whenthe pottery was prevailing. At that time, tricolor-glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty was notonly popular at home, but also well-known abroad.
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