高山族世代居住在中國的臺灣省,人口約為40萬。他們以農業生產為主,種植水稻、紅薯和小米***millet*** 等。還有些族人以打獵和捕魚為生。高山族沒有本民族文字,但口頭文學很豐富,有許多神話、傳說和民歌。唱歌和跳舞是高山族人生活的一部分,每逢節日,他們都要聚集在一起唱歌、跳舞。高山族人還非常喜歡雕刻,刻得最多的是蛇身人首的影象。
1.第1句中的“人口約為40萬”可處理為與前半句“高山族世代居住在……”並列,譯作the population is about400,000,但將其處理成介詞短語about 400,000 in total作插人語更佳,譯文也更簡潔明瞭。
2.第2句中的“他們以農業生產為主”中“以......為主”可用短語mainly engage in來表達。“種植水稻、紅薯......”為補充說明,處理成伴隨狀語,用分詞短語planting rice...來表達。
3.第4句中的“但口頭文學很豐富,有許多神話、傳說和民歌”中“……很豐富”可用短語sth. be rich來表達,“有許多神話、傳說和民歌”用介詞短語with many myths, legends...譯出。
4.最後一句“高山族人還非常喜歡雕刻,刻得最多的是蛇身人首的影象”可用並列結構譯作The Gaoshanpeople are also fond of... and the most carved images are those with...。 “影象”的定語“蛇身人首的” 較長,故將其處理為後置定語,用介詞短語with human heads and snake
The Gaoshan people, about 400 thousand in total,have lived for generations in Taiwan Province. Theymainly engage in farming, planting rice, sweetpotato, millet and so on. And some live on huntingand fishing. The Gaoshans do not have their ownscript, but their spoken literature is quite rich withmany myths, legends and folk songs. Singing anddancing are a part of Gaoshan life. On every holiday people gather to sing and dance. TheGaoshan people are also fond of carving and the most carved images are those with humanheads and snake bodies.
With the development of science and technology, fakes can be everywhere on the market.These products have entered the realms of TV advertising and even completely entered people's lives.Fake commercial advertisements will undoubtedly bring great harm to consumers.Peoples'property and health will be damaged if they believe the false advertisement and buy the products.In addition, fake commodities are not only harmful to consumers, but also the whole society's normal running.We should crack down on fake goods and fake commercial advertisements.
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