Look at the sky
One day , Charley bought a hot dog in a snack bar after school .
Suddenly , he stopped and raised his head high . He kept looking at the sky . It lasted two minutes .
A woman passed by . she saw Charley looking at the sky . and she stooped and also looked at the sky .
The sky was blue . There were some white clouds . Charley still looked at the sky and didn't move a bit . The woman also went on looking at the sky .
Mary passers-by stopped . They looked at the sky , too .
After a while , charley lowered his head . He laughed and asked . “what are you looking for in the sky ?”
The woman said : “ why are you looking at the sky ?”
“I didn't look at the sky .” Charley pointed to his nose .“ My nose was bleeding .”
Hebrew patriarch, son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham, and the traditional ancestor of the people of Israel. His story is told in the Book of Genesis. The younger twin brother of Esau, he used trickery to gain Isaac's blessing and Esau's birthright. On a journey to Canaan he wrestled all night with an angel, who blessed him and gave him the name Israel. Jacob had 13 children,10 of whom founded tribes of Israel. His favorite son, Joseph, was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers, but the family was later reunited when a famine forced the brothers to go to Egypt to seek grain.
Talking on the Telephone
Each Sunday the minister called the children to the front of the church while he told them a story. Once he brought a telephone to better illustrate the idea of prayer.
"You talk to people on the telephone and don't see them on the other end of xiaogushi8 the line, right?” he began. The children nodded yes. “Well, talking to God is like talking on the telephone. He's on the other end, but you can't see him. He is listening though.”
Just then a little boy piped up and asked, “What's his number?”
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