1, on the occasion of the arrival of Christmas, I have but one thing to tell you, today I didn't eat breakfast, I didn't eat lunch, I went to work for you.
2, snow has not gone with the wind, the deer's bell has not rang; Christmas Eve is not to, Christmas reported several days later. Gently blessing with warm warm greetings, already arrived ahead of time, I wish you all well, Christmas mood beautiful!
3, make a good wish merry Christmas to you, send a wonderful feeling Christmas to you all round, send a beautiful gift to wish you a sweet smile.
4, happiness, auspicious snow falls, happy dance jump passion. The peace bell auspicious, whispered to Santa. Sprinkled on the earth is blessed, families are safe. Firecrackers sound festival, fire red auspicious. Friend: wish you a merry Christmas! Happiness is a lot of good years.
5, listen, Santa's ringing, go and take a look at ah, how to come back so soon, what, taking out the trash, don't worry!
Although not Christmas today, but I am very happy, because today my classmates and I are going to celebrate Christmas in advance.
At nine o 'clock in the morning, I early came to Moore, students also have arrived, and I have a total of five students, let's discuss to the white park to play, we came to the white park, see the white park people mountain people sea, we also know that some people because today is Sunday, also some people are celebrating Christmas day, some people is another reason. We didn't play, but to "soy sauce", bought some eat came out
. This is a look at the table already 11:00, we're going to dicos eat fast food, when you get there, just know today is "people mountain people sea! Point to each of us has a "happy meals" and then I eat a little bit to play toys in it, and we felt that we are back to the kindergarten age...
It's really fun today! I will always remember this day!
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