a song of pure happiness i
li bai
her robe is a cloud, her face a flower;
her balcony, glimmering with the bright spring dew,
is either the tip of earth's jade mountain
or a moon- edged roof of paradise.
雲想衣裳花想容, 春風拂檻露華濃。
若非群玉山頭見, 會向瑤臺月下逢。
endless yearning i
li bai
"i am endlessly yearning
to be in changan.
...insects hum of autumn by the gold brim of the well;
a thin frost glistens like little mirrors on my cold mat;
the high lantern flickers; and. deeper grows my longing.
i lift the shade and, with many a sigh, gaze upon the moon,
single as a flower, centred from the clouds.
above, i see the blueness and deepness of sky.
below, i see the greenness and the restlessness of water....
heaven is high, earth wide; bitter between them flies my sorrow.
can i dream through the gateway, over the mountain?
endless longing
breaks my heart."
長相思, 在長安。
絡緯秋啼金井闌, 微霜悽悽簟色寒。
孤燈不明思欲絕, 卷帷望月空長嘆。
美人如花隔雲端, 上有青冥之長天,
天長路遠魂飛苦, 夢魂不到關山難。
長相思, 摧心肝。
一枝紅豔露凝香, 雲雨巫山枉斷腸。
借問漢宮誰得似, 可憐飛燕倚新妝。
a song of pure happiness ii
li bai
there's a perfume stealing moist from a shaft of red blossom,
and a mist, through the heart, from the magical hill of wu- -
the palaces of china have never known such beauty-
not even flying swallow with all her glittering garments.
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