It is out of stock.
This is our newest product.
The quality of our products is very high.
They are famous brands.
I assure you of the quality.
What is the price?
Can it be cheaper?
What’s the lowest price?
Wholesale or retail?
Is check OK?
These are our new models.
We’ll guarantee this product for one year.
What style do you want?
How about this one?
If you are not satisfied, return it to me.
When can you deliver?
Enjoy your stay in Yiwu.祝你在義烏過得愉快。
A: I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.
B: well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high.
A: Let's meet each other half way.
- 很遺憾你們報的價格太高,如果按這種價格買進,我方實在難以推銷。
- 如果你考慮一下質量,你就不會覺得我們的價格太高了。
- 那咱們就各讓一步吧。
A: I'm sorry to say that your price has soared. It's almost 20% higher than last year's.
B: That's because the price of raw materials has gone up.
A: I see. Thank you.
- 很遺憾,貴方的價格猛長,比去年幾乎高出20%。
- 那是因為原材料的價格上漲了。
- 我知道了,多謝。
A: How many do you intend to order?
B: I want to order 900 dozen.
A: The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen.
- 這種產品你們想訂多少?
- 我們想訂900打。
- 目前我們至多隻能提供600打。
A: We have inspected the rice, and we're surprised to know that the weight is short.
B: We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight.
A: I see.
- 這些大米我們檢驗過了,重量不夠,我們感到奇怪。
- 我們出售商品是以裝船重量為準,不是以卸貨重量為準。
- 我知道了。
A: The next thing I'd like to bring up for discussion is packing.
B: Please state your opinions about packing.
A: All right. We wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers.
- 下面我想就包裝問題討論一下。
- 請陳述你們的意見。
- 好,我們希望我們對包裝的意見能傳達到廠商。為中國貿易提供動力
A: You know, packing has a close bearing on sales.
B: Yes, it also affects the reputation of our products. Buyers always pay great attention to packing.~
A: We wish the new packing will give our clients satisfaction.
- 大家都知道,包裝直接關係到產品的銷售。
- 是的,它也會影響我們產品的信譽,買主總是很注意包裝。
- 我們希望新包裝會使我們的顧客滿意。本文來自 ctun.net
A: How are the shirts packed?
B: They're packed in cardboard boxes.
A: I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation.
- 襯衫怎樣包裝?
- 它們用紙板箱包裝。
- 我擔心遠洋運輸用紙板箱不夠結實。
A: From what I've heard, you're already well up in shipping work.
B: Yes, we arrange shipments to any part of the world.
A: Do you do any chartering?
- 據我所知,你方對運輸工作很在行。
- 是的,我們承攬去世界各地的貨物運輸。
A: How do you like the goods dispatched, by railway or by sea?
B: By sea, please. Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation.
A: That's what we think.
- 你方將怎樣發運貨物,鐵路還是海運?
- 請海運發貨,鐵路運輸費用太高,我們願意走海運。
- 我們正是這麼想的。ctun.net 版權所有
A: When can you effect shipment? I'm terribly worried about late shipment.
B: We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest.
A: That's fine.
- 你們什麼時候能交貨?我非常擔心貨物遲交。
- 我們最晚在今年十二月或明年初交貨。
- 那很好。
1.本公司相信, 4月18日寄出的紀念品必已收到。本公司極為樂意知悉,此批貨物是否合於貴公司的意願,請來函告知。
We trust that the samples of souvenirs sent on the 18th April have reached you. We should be greatly obliged if you would inform us whether these goods are suitable for your purposes.
Will you please send us samples of the best printing papers you can offer of the following kinds:
Can you send us samples of paper that you can guarantee in this respect, and that will also be reasonable in price?
Will you please send us samples of the best note-papers you can offer of the following kinds:
You might also send me patterns of any new linings in stock or on the looms, for the spring.
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