1.penny wise and pound foolish
Penny wise and pound foolish,直譯是處理一便士時很聰明,而對於一英鎊時就很笨。中文翻譯為小事聰明,大事糊塗:小處精明,大處浪費。
如:Mr.Brown bought a cheap truck to make money, but it was too old for long-distance transportation. He was penny wise and pound foolish. 布朗先生為省錢買了一輛便宜卡車,但車太舊了不能搞長途運輸,他真是丟了西瓜揀了芝麻。
2.feel like a million dollars
feel like a million dollars = feel wonderful
現在體育彩票、福利彩票、***、各種各樣的樂透活動滿天飛。如果有一天,你得了百萬大獎,你會不會開心呢?那麼feel like a million dollars 就是感覺好極了。
例如:He says he’s feeling like a million dollars now. Apparently the pain in his knee is all gone.
3.burning a hole in his pocket
burning a hole in his pocket是意思就是:花錢如流水,好似口袋被燒了洞,有錢留不住
如:I bet John will spend all his money in a few days because the money is burning a hole in his pocket.
4.born with a silver spoon in his mouth--生在富貴人家
如:The son of a Texas oil millionaire, young Elmer was certainly born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
5.hit the jackpot--贏大筆錢;獲最大成功;交好運
如:Ever since I hit the jackpot. I won one hundred thousand dollars last week in the scratch lottery.
6.chicken feed
如:That affair looks like chicken feed.
10. skinflint n. 吝嗇鬼
如:There are some people who may call you a "skinflint" because you seem to be too careful with your money.
Balance transfer 餘額結轉
Credit limit 信用額度
Issuing bank 髮卡銀行
Problems 特殊情況
I want to report a stolen credit card 我要報信用卡失竊
The cash machine didn’t give me my money 機器沒出錢
The transaction was declined 交易受拒
Getting a loan 貸款
What’s the interest rate? 利息率是多少
Mortgage 房貸
Credit check 核對信用度
Credit rating 信用評級
Depositing money 存款
Hi, I would like to deposit some money 我要存款
Please fill in this slip 請填寫存款表
Paying-in slip 存款表
Please print the amount 請用大寫字母寫
Check ***美*** 支票
Foreign exchange 外幣兌換
See the sign 請看標牌***匯率表***
Bureau De Change 外幣兌換櫃檯
Forex 外幣兌換
You are overdrawn 你透支的了
Opening an account 開戶
I would like to open an account 我要開戶
What kind of account do you want? 你要開什麼樣的賬戶
A current account 活期存款賬戶
A checking account 活期存款賬戶
A deposit account 存款賬戶
How much interest will I get with this account? 我可以得到多少利息?
Which account gives the highest interest rate? 哪樣的賬戶得到最高的利息
What fees will I be charged? 怎麼收費?
There is a maintenance fee of $100 per annum 賬戶年費100元
Please give us proof of address 請提供住址證明
Transfering money 匯錢
I would like to transfer money back to China 我要匯一筆錢到中國
Would you like a wire transfer? 你要匯錢嗎
I want to send it by banker’s draft 我要用銀行匯票發的
There will be a fee of 10 pounds 你得付10英鎊費用
Which account shall we send it to?轉進什麼賬號?
What is their account number 他的賬號號碼是什麼?
I want a credit card 我要一張信用卡
APR 年利率
Pin number 密碼
You can change your PIN at an ATM 你可以在自動櫃員機更改你的密碼
1,To a certain extent,our price depends on how large your order
is. 在某種程度上,我們的價格就得看你們的定單有多大。
2, Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?為了便於我方提出報價,能否請你談談你方需求數量?
3, 我想知道你想要多少件,這樣我們就能報給你一個最好的報價
We want to know how many pieces you need so we can quote you a best price.
4, Could you tell us how many containers you will buy a year?
5,We can not offer you a best price quote if we don’t know your quantity.
Which country you will sell?
1, Which country will you export? ***末*** ***閏月那個國家湊拿鐵***
2, Which certification ***認證;測量人體如果我caT4*** shall we need when we export to Brazil?***末證實***
1, 你們用什麼插頭。
Which kind of plug do you adopt?
2,用BS插頭要加四塊 add more 4 RMB If you need BS plug
3,Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP.
4, We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed
1.Can you make it a little cheaper?
=Can you come down a little?
=Can you reduce the price?
1, could you give us your target price? 你能給我你的目標價嗎?
2,I have to check and talk to my manager in details and we have
to recalculate the cost to see if we still have any room for you.
3,1,My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.
4,suppose your order comes to $20000, we will give you a 3%
1, USD 4.8 is our bottom price and we need to keep good quality for you. We don't want you to get many complaints from your customers and hope to cooperate with you for long time.
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