白蛇傳***Legend of the White Snake***是中國古代民間流傳的最著名的故事之一。故事說,因渴望人間生活,白蛇來到人間,與書生許仙結婚。然而,這樁姻緣遭到僧人法海的反對。於是法海將白蛇困於西湖岸邊的雷峰塔***Leifeng Pagoda***下。這個故事發生於杭州西湖邊上。直到今天,觀賞景點時,遊客仍會想起白蛇的故事。白蛇傳源於唐代和五代十國時期***the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms***, 明清時流傳下來。後來,這個故事的影響越來越大,成了中國廣為人知的故事。另外,白蛇傳在其他國家得以流傳,如日本、朝鮮、越南和印度。
Legend of the White Snake is one of the most famous tales spreading out among folks in ancient China. The tale goes that a white snake came to the human world as she was longing for human
life,and married a scholar named Xu Xian.However,this marriage was opposed by Fahai,a Buddhist monk.He then incarcerated the white snake under Leifeng Pagoda at the bank of the West Lake.The
legend happened in the West Lake of Hangzhou. Up to now,visitors may still recall the story as they view and admire this scenic spot. Legend of the White Snake originated in the Tang
Dynasty,the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and was handed down through the Ming and Qing Dynasties.It has later experienced an ever expanding influence and has become widely known in
China;moreover, it spreads in many countries such as Japan, North Korea,Vietnam, and India.
景泰藍***Jingtailan***藝術是雕刻、繪畫和塑瓷***porcelainmaking***的獨特融合。據說景泰藍於元朝時誕生於北京,現存最古老的景泰藍就造於元朝。但是景泰藍在明朝時經歷了巨大的變革。那時,人們認為景泰藍最為複雜。然而,由於熔銅技術 ***copper-melting techniques***的偉大發明,景泰藍於清朝時達到頂峰。用景泰藍能夠製成大件物品,如花瓶、其他器皿和裝飾品,也能製成小物品,如耳環、手鐲或筷子。新中國成立以來,湧現出了很多新品種的景泰藍,在國內外享有很高的聲譽。
The art of Jingtailan is a unique combination ofsculpture, painting and porcelain making.It is saidto have originated in Beijing during the YuanDynasty. The oldest extant piece was made duringthe Yuan Dynasty, but Jingtailan had a major changeduring the Ming Dynasty.At that time, Jingtailan was considered to be the most complicated.However, it reachcd its peak during the Qing Dynasty because of great innovations in copper-melting techniques.Jingtailan can be made into large objects such as vases and other largeutensils and decorative items, as well as small items like earrings, bracelets or chopsticks.Sincenew China was founded, quite a number of new varieties have been created.It enjoys a highreputation both at home and abroad.
1.獨特融合:可譯為a unique combination。
2.誕生於:使用片語originate in表達,即“起源於”。
4.熔銅技術的偉大發明:可譯為great innovations incopper-melting techniques。
5.達到頂峰:可譯為reached its peak。
7.湧現出了很多新品種的景泰藍:可理解為“很多新品種的景泰藍得以製造”,譯為quite a number of newvarieties have been created。
中國民間藝術與中國哲學統一於“陰陽***yin-yang***生萬物”這一理念。這一理念源於中國原始社會,是對人類的人生感悟的哲學註解。中國人祖先的哲學論斷是“近看自己,遠觀他人”。要理解中華民族民間藝術的原始藝術,這一結論必不 可少。人類的本能慾望是生存並通過繁衍***propagation***繼續存在。人生來的首要 本能是求生,然後是長壽。從原始社會到今天,陰陽和永生的觀念始終貫穿中國的社會生活和民族文化。中國民間藝術反映了社會的所有基本哲學理念。
Chinese folk art and Chinese philosophy are unifiedin the belief that yin-yang produces all living things inthe world. Originated in Chinese primitive society,this was the philosophical explanation of human'sperception of life. Chinese ancestors philosophicalconclusion was to “look at oneself up close and other creatures from afar”,which is essentialto the understanding of the primitive art to the folk art of the nation. To live and to continuelife through propagation are the two instinctive desires of human. From birth, a person's firstinstinct is to survive, and then to live a long life. From primitive society to the present day,the view of yin-yang and perpetual life has permeated in all aspects of social life and thenational culture of Chinese society.Chinese folk art reflects all of the basic philosophicalconcepts.
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