


  如果對對方的觀點表示瞭解,可以說:I see what you mean. ***我明白您的意思。***

  如果表示贊成,可以說:That's a good idea. ***是個好主意。***或者說:I agree with you. ***我贊成。***

  如果是有條件地接受,可以用on the condition that這個句型,例如:We accept your proposal1, on the condition that you order 20, 000 units. ***如果您訂2萬臺,我們會接受您的建議。 ***

  在與外商,尤其是歐美國家的商人談判時,如果有不同意見,最好坦白地提出來而不要拐彎抹角,比如,表示無法贊同對方的意見時,可以說:I don't think that's a good idea. ***我不認為那是個好主意。***

  或者Frankly, we can't agree with your proposal. ***坦白地講,我無法同意您的提案。***

  如果是拒絕,可以說:We're not prepared to accept your proposal at this time. ***我們這一次不準備接受你們的建議。***

  有時,還要講明拒絕的理由,如:To be quite honest, we don't believe this product will sell very well in China. ***說老實話,我們不相信這種產品在中國會賣得好。***

  談判期間,由於言語溝通問題,出現誤解也是在所難免的:可能是對方誤解了你,也可能是你誤解了對方。在這兩種情況出現後,你可以說:No, I'm afraid you misunderstood me. What I was trying to say was…… ***不,恐怕你誤解了。我想說的是……*** 或者說:Oh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. Then I go along with you. ***哦,對不起,我誤解你了。那樣的話,我同意你的觀點。 ***



  Part One

  Lily: I owe1 you an apology, Mr. Steven.

  Steven: What do you mean, Lily?

  Lily: I'm terribly sorry about the appointment last Thursday. I hope you'll excuse me.

  Steven: Forget it. I'd have done exactly as you did if I had been in your situation.

  Lily: That's very kind of you to say so.

  Part two

  Eva: Sorry to be late. I was caught up in a traffic jam. Am I the last guest to arrive?

  John: Yes, VIPs always are. So it's quite all right. And you're a very important person at this party.

  Eva: Oh, please don't!

  John: I was just kidding. We've been expecting you all this time!

  Part Three

  Annie: Sorry to have kept you waiting, Eva. I was answering an overseas2 call.

  Eva: It's alright. You must be a very busy general manager.

  Annie: Well, I hope you weren't bored while I was on the phone.

  Eva: No. I was reading this new brochure3 of yours, you see. I'm very much interested in your new product.