1:Please Don’t Hurt Me!
Henry killed a 14-year-old girl. He killed her after breaking her thumbs, kicking and breaking most of her ribs, striking her repeatedly in the head with his thermos, and stabbing her more than 45 times with a #2 pencil. She bled to death. He killed her after he had kidnapped her and raped her repeatedly for four weeks. He had kept her in the basement of his parents’ house. His parents had disappeared years ago.
The girl had been walking by the house when Henry invited her in to see some new puppies. The puppies were also found stabbed to death. Henry was caught, convicted, and sent to prison for the girl’s brutal killing. He was sentenced to death by injection. That was 30 years ago. For the past 30 years, Henry has been fighting his death penalty. During that time, taxpayers have spent more than $30,000 a year on Henry’s room and board, medical and dental care, and legal help.
A month ago, it looked like Henry was finally going to meet his Maker. But his lawyer filed one final argument, claiming that death by injection was quite painful; Henry shouldn't suffer in his final moments. One hour before Henry was scheduled to die, the California Supreme Court agreed; the drugs injected into Henry might cause him to suffer. Such suffering would be “cruel and unusual” punishment, a violation of the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Henry remained in his warm cell. He would die only when the state figured out a way to kill Henry without making him say “Ouch!”
The parents and siblings of the brutally murdered girl were not even surprised. Her dad said, “He’ll die of old age in his sleep, and his survivors will collect a million-dollar settlement because the guard forgot to put a candy mint on Henry's pillow that night.”
2:Who Needs School?
Two years after it was appointed by the governor, a panel has delivered its report on education in California. One of its findings is that half of the students who reach the ninth grade will never graduate. There were about 6 million students in California’s K-12 grades in the spring of 2006.
The report focused on problems with the education system; it did not offer any solutions. Solutions might be offered in the future, if the governor decides to appoint another panel. Meanwhile, thousands of kids 15 to 18 years old will be dropping out of school every year. Without a high school diploma, most of these kids are doomed to a lifetime of part-time work or full-time jobs that offer no security, no benefits, and no opportunity for advancement. And the cities that these kids live in will see an increase in loitering, homelessness, and crime.
As usual, the taxpayer is going to pay for the failures of the government. He is going to be asked to approve bonds that will build yet more schools, more prisons, and more housing for the homeless. These bonds, unfortunately, are like using band-aids when stitches or tourniquets are needed.
The dropouts do not see a bleak future for themselves. In the report, one student was asked why he had dropped out of the tenth grade. “School was boring,” he said. “I got a life to live. There’s women, parties, fast cars, and easy money on the street, if you know where to find it. And if things ever go south, all I gotta do is apply for welfare. They’ll put me up in an apartment, and give me food stamps and free medical care. Why do I need an education or a stupid job?”
3:All Bite, No Bark
A New York City entrepreneur is seeking investors for his “No Bark” startup. With enough investment money, Ty Cobb says, he will be able to discover the melodies that, when played, will instantly quiet barking dogs. Because dogs hear sound frequencies that humans cannot hear, the melodies will be unheard by humans.
“There’s a huge market for this service,” Cobb declared. “There’s about 30 million dogs in this country, probably 2 million right here in the city. And what do these dogs love to do more than anything? Bark, that’s what! And what do people hate more than anything? Barking dogs, that’s what!”
Cobb says that he went to India to study how snake charmers control the deadly cobra with music. He figured that if they could use music to prevent a deadly cobra from striking out at humans, he could use the same music to prevent a dog from barking. So he learned how to play the pungi, the snake charmer’s flute. And he learned many of the same tunes that the snake charmers played.
He returned to New York, where he practiced the tunes on his dog. At first, his dog simply barked along with the music. After hours of modifying tunes, Cobb discovered one that actually caused his dog to stop barking.
He was jubilant. He had discovered a melody that would shut dogs up. He would be rich beyond his wildest dreams! Unfortunately, the melody worked on his dog, but not on his neighbor’s dog. Nor on several other dogs in the neighborhood.
Cobb figures that computers will help him find the right melodies at the right frequencies to shut up any dog on Earth. “My dream, of course,” he said, “is to discover one melody that will shut up a whole block of barking dogs. That might rank right up there with the discovery of penicillin!”
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