1:New Dog
Noise. It gets into your head and under your skin. Too much noise can turn ordinary people into raging maniacs. All too-common noises in neighborhoods are the blaring TVs, blaring car radios, and barking dogs. Most cities have ordinances against excessive noise. Of course, if you complain about your neighbor’s noise, your neighbor will hate you and start making more noise. So, many people try to ignore their inconsiderate neighbors. Finally, when they can take it no longer, they simply move.
The city council of Los Angeles recently came to the rescue of its residents—or seemed to. It passed a new ordinance: the owner of a dog that barks for 30 minutes straight will get a warning the first time a complaint is made. For a second complaint, the owner will pay a $100 fine or go to jail for a week maximum, or both. The council wrote no penalty concerning a third or fourth complaint. “Finally,” said Zev Doheny, “we’ve passed a noise law with some teeth in it.”
Of course, there are a few problems with the new law: How does a resident prove that a dog was barking for 30 minutes? Does he present an audio tape? With modern technology, couldn’t that tape easily be “doctored” so that one minute of actual barking magically becomes 30 minutes? Couldn’t a person tape just any old dog barking and then claim that it’s his neighbor’s dog doing all that barking? Do dogs have voiceprints, like humans have fingerprints? Will all dogs have to get “voice-printed?”
“There isn’t one brain among the lot of them,” complained the owner of a pet store when he heard about the council’s new law. “Their ‘solutions’ are almost always worse than the problems themselves.”
2:Actor Tries to Kill Himself
Actor Brett Maverick, the lead actor in many movies, was taken to Cedars-Sinai Hospital after his brother called an ambulance. Luke had found Brett in a dazed state with both of his wrists slashed. A hospital spokesperson said that the cuts on his wrists were superficial, and that Brett was in good condition.
The actor has starred in many romantic comedies. He often portrays a character who meets a girl who doesn’t like him at first but falls in love with him by the end of the movie. In fact, a real-life romance occurred in his last movie. His costar, actress Katherine Hepburn, fell in love with Brett and moved in with him. This occurred despite the fact that Katherine was engaged to wed Richard Burton, another well-known actor. Burton, heartbroken, told the media that he was going to become a Buddhist monk.
Unfortunately for Brett, Katherine recently made another movie with actor Errol Flynn. This movie, “Love in Baghdad,” is a drama involving a married couple who are separated by terrorists. Katherine told Brett she was going to “visit” Errol on his 200-foot yacht after filming was finished. But soon afterward, TV entertainment shows like “Access Hollywood” and “Entertainment Tonight” showed photos and videos almost daily of Katherine and Errol hugging, kissing, dancing, and shopping.
“Brett couldn’t take it anymore,” said Luke. “He was ready to settle down with Katherine. He was going to quit acting. He had told her that he planned to buy a ranch in Wyoming for the two of them. Just them, the blue sky, the meadows, and the cows and the sheep, for the rest of their lives.”
3:Pluto Chases Kid
Visitors to Disneyland in southern California see lots of life-sized cartoon characters, such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Pluto the Dog. Most parents take their small kids right up to these characters. If the child doesn't start bawling because he or she is afraid of the cartoon character, the parents will take snapshots or videos of their kid with Snow White, Grumpy, Goofy, or others. Often the camera will be rolling even when the child looks afraid or is crying.
Last week, Eva Gunderson took her 7-year-old son Billy Bob to Disneyland. Pluto was the first character they met once they got inside. Eva asked Billy Bob if he wanted a picture with Pluto. Billy Bob said no. He said Pluto’s tail was too skinny and his nose was too big. Eva told him to go ahead, please, just so she could show daddy. Billy Bob reluctantly agreed.
He went over to Pluto and sat on his lap. Eva said, “Say cheese!” and both Billy Bob and Pluto said the magic word. Then, as Billy Bob got off Pluto’s lap, he grabbed Pluto’s round black plastic nose and ripped it off Pluto’s costume. Pluto yelled “Ouch!” . Billy Bob started running, and Pluto started chasing him. Just as Pluto got close enough to grab him, Billy Bob kicked Pluto between his legs. Pluto fell to the ground, groaning. This time he really was in pain.
Eva got it all on video cam. “That was great, honey!” she told her son as they walked off to find more characters. “Wait till daddy sees this. He’ll be so proud of you!”
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