Mother Duck is sitting on her eggs, The eggs break and the ducklings come one by one.
But a duckling is different from others ,It looks very hungry .Its brothers and sisters dislike it. They often laugh at him and bite him. So the ugly duckling goes away.
When the ugly duckling wakes up the next day, it finds some wild ducks are surrounding it. The wild ducks warn,“You are so ugly. Don’t come up near us”
The ugly duckling is leaving here and a big dog appears. It stares at the duckling. The duckling is very scared. It thinks the big dog will eat it. But the big dog shakes his head and runs away. The ugly duckling says, ”I am so ugly that the bi dog doesn’t want to eat me.”
It is dark, The ugly ducklings comes to a house .It’s too tired. It falls asleep near the door of the house. Early next morning, an old women opens the door. She finds the duckling and lets it in. There is a hen and a cat in the house. They dislike the duckling, either. So the ugly duckling goes away
Autumn comes, One day ,the ugly duckling comes to a river. It sees some white and big birds are flying across the river. They’re swans. They are so beautiful. The duckling envies them very much
Winter comes, It become colder and colder. The river is iced. The ugly duckling is caught by the ice in the river.
A farmer finds the ugly duckling. He breaks the ice and brings it to his home. The children of the farmer want to play with the ugly duckling, but it thinks they will hurt itself. So it flies away.
Spring comes, The ugly duckling comes to the river again .It sees the beautiful swans are swimming in the river. It comes to them and says, ”Kill me! I don’t want to live .I’m too ugly. I’m not happy at all.” The swans say to him, ”You aren’t ugly. You are a beautiful swan.” “No, you cheat me!” cries the ugly duckling. ”look at the water! You are so beautiful that we can’t compare with you!” say the swans.
The ugly duckling looks at the water. It really becomes a beautiful swan. It is very happy.
A rich woman used to send Swift presents by her servant .Swift never Gave the boy tip. One day as Swift was busy with his writing, the boy rushed into Swift’s room and threw a bag on the desk and said, ”My mistress sends you two rabbits.”
Swift turned round and said ,”You sit in my chair ,watch my way of doing it.”
The boy sat down. Swift went out, knocked at the door and waited. The boy said, ”come in.” Swift entered and walked to the desk, then said ,”Nice to meet you, sir. My mistress sends you two lovely rabbits.”
The boy answered, ”Thank you, my boy. Give you mistress my thanks and two pounds for you.”
Swift laughed, and from then on he never forgot to give the boy his tip.
Who needs guard dogs when you have wolves, right? That’s probably what Kazakh villagers in the Almaty region thought when they decided to replace their canines with the fierce forest-dwelling beasts. According to local news reports, taming wolves is now the latest trend and a sort of hobby among rural Kazakhs.
“You can buy a wolf cub for just $500, they say, and hunters are adamant that if treated well, the wild animal can be tamed,” the KTK television channel reported. Nurseit Zhylkyshybay, a farmer from the south-eastern Almaty region, told reporters that he purchased a wolf cub from hunters three years ago, and the animal is now perfectly domesticated.
Kurtka, Nurseit’s pet wolf, lives in the family’s yard and takes long walks through the village with his master. “He’s never muzzled,” Nurseit insisted. “I rarely put him on a chain and do take him for regular walks around the village. Our family and neighbors aren’t scared of him at all. If the wolf is well fed and cared for, he won’t attack you, although he does eat a lot more than a dog. Feed him at least three times a day.”
But wolf expert Almas Zhaparov said that the animals are ‘far too dangerous’ to keep at home. “A wolf is like a ticking bomb, it can go off at any moment,” he warned. “If nothing is done, the fashion could spread to the wealthy Kazakhs, who might try to keep wolves in the grounds of their houses, with possibly deadly consequences.” Social media users also expressed apprehension over the trend, accusing the government for failing to curtail the practice.
Nevertheless, the wolves don’t seem to be posing an immediate threat. If visuals from news reports are anything to go by, the beasts look pretty happy with their new lifestyle, and appear quite fond of their new masters, not unlike dogs.
This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of domesticated wolves former Soviet Union countries. A few months ago, we wrote about a Belarusian family that has managed to domesticate a pack of wild wolves and are now raising them as pets.
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