孤兒院收養了一群樹懶寶寶 呆萌惹人愛
With their sweet, squishy faces and lazy movements, sloths are one of the most squee-worthyanimals on the Internet. Sadly, these sluggish tree-dwellers are also increasingly threatened intheir native forests of Central and South America.
Inspired by their cuteness and a desire to make a difference, wildlife conservationist andphotographer Sam Trull has dedicated her career to saving these charismatic animals.
Trull was first introduced to the wonderful world of sloths in 2013 after arriving in Costa Rica towork for a small wildlife rehabilitation clinic called Kids Saving the Rainforest. It wasn't longbefore she realized that working with orphaned sloths was her true calling.
特魯爾在2013年到哥斯大黎加的一個小型野生動物復原診所工作,該復原診所被稱為“Kids Saving theRainforest”。在那之後,她首次見識了樹懶的奇妙世界。沒過多久她就意識到:與無人照管的樹懶在一起工作是她真正的使命。
In August 2014, she founded The Sloth Institute Costa Rica with fellow sloth enthusiast SedaSejud, and the pair have been rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing baby sloths ever since.
2014年8月,她同樹懶愛好者朋友Seda Sejud一起成立了“哥斯大黎加樹懶研究所”,他們兩人自那以後就一直拯救、使他們康復、並且放生樹懶寶寶。
China's civil authorities are to overhaul the non-government orphanages nationwide after a deadly fire in central China's Henan province.
The month-long campaign is to inspect private orphanages after seven children were killed in a fire at an orphanage in Lankao county.
The orphanage - run by a 48-year-old widow - is believed to be unregistered.
The woman has taken care of orphans and abandoned children since 1986, using money earned from working as a street vendor.
The Ministry of Civil Affairs has urged departments across the country to improve management of orphanages run by individuals and private operators.
According to the ministry, children in substandard orphanages should be sent to child welfare agencies, while qualified ones will sign contracts with the governments for supervision.
A fire at a market in Shanghai has reportedly left 6 people dead.
The massive blaze has also left at least 8 others hurt.
Three of them are reportedly suffering from serious burns.
The fire broke out last night at the wholesale produce market in the city's Pudong district.
The cause of the blaze isn't clear at this point.
充實而有意義的一天 A Rich and Meaningful Day
Today, I had a rich and meaningful day. My mother opened a bakery. She was very kind-hearted. She promised the children in the orphanage to bake for them today. My mother asked me to help. When we baked all the bread, we brought all of them to the orphanage. This was the first time I went to orphanage. I thought I couldn’t forget the smile on the children’s face when they saw us. They were as happy as birds. They accepted the bread just as a gift from the heaven. Compared with them, I felt that I was so happy. Thanks to my parents that I can have such happy life. I loved them. I will treasure more my life in the future.
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