Nature satisfies by its loveliness,and without any mixture of corporeal benefit.I see the spectacle of morning from the hilltop over against my house,from daybreak to sunrise,with emotions which an angel might share.The long slender bars of cloud float like fishes in the sea of crimson light.From the earth,as a shore, I look out into that silent sea.I seem to partake its rapid transformations;the active enchantment reaches my dust, and I dilate and conspire with the morning wind. How does Nature deify us with a few and cheap elements! Give me health and a day, and I will make the pomp of emperors ridiculous.Te dawn is my Assyria;the sunset and moonrise my Paphos, and unimaginable realms of faerie;broad noon shall be my England of the senses and the understanding;the night shall be my Germany of mystic philosophy and dreams.
Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all herperfection.
Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit.
The flowers, the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much asthey had delighted the simplicity of his childhood.
When we speak of nature in this manner, we have a distinct but most poetical sense in themind.
We mean the integrity of impression made by manifold natural objects.
It is this which distinguishes the stick of timber of the wood-cutter, from the tree of the poet.
The charming landscape which I saw this morning, is indubitably made up of some twenty orthirty farms.
Miller owns this field, Locke that, and Manning the woodland beyond.
But none of them owns the landscape.
There is a property in the horizon which no man has but he whose eye can integrate all theparts, that is, the poet.
This is the best part of these men's farms, yet to this their warranty-deeds give no title.
To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Most persons do not see the sun.
The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.
The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to eachother; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.
His intercourse with heaven and earth, becomes part of his daily food.
In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows.
Nature says,he is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me.
Not the sun or the summer alone, but every hour and season yields its tribute of delight;
for every hour and change corresponds to and authorizes a different state of the mind, frombreathless noon to grimmest midnight.
Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece.
To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Most personsdo not see the sun. At least they have a very superficial seeing.The sun illuminate only the eye of the man, but shines into theeye and the heart of the child. The lover of nature is he whoseinward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other;who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era ofmanhood. His intercourse with heaven and earth, becomes partof his daily food. In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of realsorrows. Nature says, he is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad withme.
Not the sun or the summer alone, but every hour and season yields its tribute of delight; forevery hour and change corresponds to and authorizes a different state of the mind, frombreathless noon to grimmest midnight. Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or amourning piece. In good health, the air is a cordial of incredible virtue. Crossing a bare common, insnow puddles, at twilight, under a clouded sky, without having in my thoughts any occurrence ofspecial good fortune, I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration. I am glad to the brink of fear. In thewoods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life, isalways a child, in the woods, is perpetual youth. Within these plantations of God, a decorum andsanctity reign, a perennial festival is dressed, and the guest sees not how he should tire of them ina thousand years, In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befallme in life, no disgrace, no calamity, ***leaving me my eyes*** which nature cannot repair. Standing onthe bare, ground, my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, all meanegotism vanishes. I become a transparent eye-ball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of theUniversal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of Gods. In the tranquil landscape, andespecially in the distant line of the horizon, man beholds somewhat as beautiful as his own nature.
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