:I never laid an egg
Author: You can't apprecciate it. You never wrote a book yourself.
Friend: No, and I never laid an egg, but I'm a better judge of an omelet than my hen in this country.
:Whose plate it is
Guest: Why does your dog sit there and watch me eat?
Jonny: Because you are using his plate.
Life is cruel to men. When they are born, their mothers get the compliments and flowers. Whenthey are married, their brides get the presents and publicity. And when they die, their wivesget the insurance.
Mr. Brown came to an inn on a very cold day, and could get no room near the fire.
在一個寒冷的冬日, 布朗先生來到一家小客棧,發現火爐旁邊已經沒有空位了。
He called to the hostler to fetch a peck of oysters, and give them to his horse.
"Will your horse eat oysters?" said the hostler.
"Try him, " said Mr. Brown.
Immediately the people ran to see this wonder, and Mr. Brown who alone remained in the room,chose the best seat by the fire and made himself comfortable.
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