A construction worker was rushed to the hospital after cutting himself badly. The doctor told the nurse to prepare a painkiller. "Don’t bother Doctor," said the man. "I' ve been through a lot worse."
"More painful than this?" the doctor asked.
"I’11 tell you about the second most painful accident I ever had. I was hunting one day and had to take a shit so I dropped my pants and squatted. I tripped a bear trap and BOOM,the thing snapped shut on my balls."
The doctor winced, "That’s awful. But tell me, what could be worse?"
"When I reached the end of the chain."
Out in the forest preserve, a man strolled up to the fisher man and asked whether he'd had any luck.
yesterday I caught fourteen bass in the morning and another twelve in the afternoon ,
"Well, that's very interesting. Do you know who I am?"
"I happen to be the game warden "
"Oh. And do you know who I am? I’m the biggest liar you ever laid eyes on "
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