"This house,”said the real-estate salesman, "has both its good points and its bad point. To show you I' m honest, I'm going to tell yon about the disadvantages一there is a chemical plant one block south and a slaughterhouse one block north.”
"What are the advantages?" inquired the prospective buyer.
"The good thing about it,” said the a-gent, "is that you can always tell which way the wind is blowing.”
In the veterinary office where I’m a technician, we mail out reminders when pets are due for vaccinations. Bruno, a German shepherd, arrived for his annual shot, and we were required by state law to ask his owner if Bruno had bitten anyone in the last ten days. "Oh yes , in fact that’s why we' re here,”she replied. Surprised, I told her we assumed they'd come in because of our reminder.
"We did,” she explained. "Bruno bit the mail carrier who was delivering your card.”
When I played with a symphony orchestra, our union reached an agreement with a major airline about which instruments we could carry on board,and which had to be shipped as luggage. A cellist was dismayed to find that his delicate, expensive wood instrument was consigned to the rougher handling and cold temperatures of the baggage hold.
He neatly solved the problem. Cello in hand, he approached the flight attendant at the gate and asked, "May I bring my clarinet on board?” scanning her list, she replied, "Clarinet is okay. Have a good trip,” and, smiling, waved him on.
BBC World Service announcer: "A Palestinian suicide bomber has struck again in the Northern town of Afula in Israel killing at least four people and wounding several more. The Israeli army has responded by. . ."
Rick, bored, while I worked out his Algebra problem for him: "Can't they catch the guy who's doing all this bombing?
Me: "Uh. . . er. . . well, might not be the same guy. I think they might be getting names confused, you know, they got a lot of similar sounding names there一a lot of Mohammad's. "
Rick: "Oh.”
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