One Apail 1st a memo from Maintenance appeared on a faculty bulletin board at the University of Minnesota:"This week we will thoroughly clean the new telephone lines by injecting compressed air into the cables. To control dust and debris that may emanate from your receivers, faculty members are urged to store their phones in their wastebaskets or to procure special.bags from the departmental secretary.Thank you for your cooperation.”
Three full professors requested the bags.
The expediter in the office where I worked would buy needed parts for equipment and make a list of the purchases.Then she would give the paperwork to oar boss—a known stickler for details—for his approval. Un April Fool's Day, the expediter and her co-worker turned in a list including a dress and matching shoes. Our boss took one look at this request for reimbursement and shouted for me to call these two people into his office immediately. Fearing that he wasn't going to take their joke well,they quietly went in to see him.”Look,you two,I' m a busy man !“he deadpanned."I need to know what color dress and what size shoes!”
My friend Pam has a problem remembering numbers.After moving. she gave out her new phone listing. One.acquairitance tried to call hey but reached a travel agency. The agent said she'd received a lot of calls for Pam. The caller apologized and said she'd try to reach Pam at her office.
"If you do get hold of her,”the agent replied,"will you tell her that her order is in at Sears?"
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