As I sat with my pet in the veterinarian's waiting room,a woman and her old English sheepdog emerged from one of the examining rooms. The dog sat obediently while the woman asked for her bill. When told it was$80, she looked down at the dog and said,"Did you hear that? Get a job."
One day I retrieved an“Attempt to Deliver Package"slip from my mail box. The letter carrier had just left,so I caught up to him and asked for the parcel.
"I didn't bring it,"he replied. "I just brought along the slip."
"You're supposed to try to deliver the package. "I said."Please bring it tomorrow.“
"Okay,”he told me,"but first make sure that you call the post office before 9 a. m..”
"I'll phone them right now.”
"You can't,"he said.
" Why not?"
"Because you have to talk to me,and I'm not there."
After my husband,John,and I moved to Michigan from Nebraska,our new friends,proud of their beautiful tree一lined roads,teased us about the Mid-west's dull,flat,treeless land. When my parents,Nebraska farmers,visited us,I asked them about their trip.
What a boring drive,"my father replied."Once you get to Michigan, there's nothing to see but trees."
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