A monk sitting beside the road, eyes closed, legs, hands handshakebeneath the skirt, deep in thought.
Suddenly, his meditation was interrupted. Samurai hoarse and pleading voice is interrupted him: "old man, tell me what is Heaven! What the hell! ”
Monk will do nothing, as if nothing had heard. But gradually he opened his eyes, his lips curled into a smile. Warrior stood, impatient,like a cat on hot bricks.
"Do you want to know the secrets of heaven and hell? "The monk said," you are such a rude person, hands and feet muddy, disheveled, dirty beard. Rust stains on the sword, not just look well taken care of. Ugly guy like you, your mother was dressed as a clown you, you still have to ask me the secrets of heaven and hell? ”
Warriors fiercely scolded a sentence, then "brush" the sword, on tothe old monk. His face was red, the neck veins exposed, it is necessary to cut off the monk's head.
The sword was about to fall, the old monk suddenly said softly: "this is hell. ”
Instantly, Samurai in shock and AWE on the dare to teach his old life full of compassion and respect. His sword stopped in midair, eyesfilled with tears of gratitude.
"This is heaven. "The monk said.
Epiphany: an idea of good and evil. All evil thoughts, evil, evil is hellfor himself and others, all good thoughts, good words and kindness is a paradise for themselves and others. If everyone can give up evil ways and even hell could be paradise.
Therefore, everyone should sit stone, often show off look inside hisheart, excluding heart proceed evil thoughts, giving up hurts the evil and wickedness. His heart is pure, it would have been true innerpeace and quiet.
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