In the past, the grandson of a prime minister was a notorious spendthrift. He squandered all the family property and couldn't even afford his own meals, so he often borrowed rice from others.
Once he borrowed another bag of rice. He carried it half-way and couldn't go any further, so he rested by the roadside. At this moment, a poor man in rags happened to pass by. He called this poor man, set the pay and let the poor man carry the rice for him.
Unexpectedly, after carrying the rice for some distance, the poor man also panted and couldn't walk any further. The grandson complained: "I am the grandson of a prime minister. It is natural that I can neither lift with my hands nor carry on my shoulder anything heavy. But you are from a poor family. Why are you also so useless?"
Unwilling to give in, the poor man glared and retorted: "How can you blame me? I am not from a poor family. I am the grandson of a prime minister, too."
A man in a village had a sore on his foot which bled and oozed pus. He couldn't bear the pain and moaned without stop.
He said to his family: "Be quick! Chisel a hole in the wall!"
After the hole was made, he hurriedly stretched his foot into his neighbour's house.
His family members asked him: "What is this for?"
He replied: "Let the pain go to my neighbour. In this way, no matter how painful it is, it doesn't concern me any more!"
Li Bai was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty of China.
It is said that in his childhood, he was very fond of playing and afraid of difficulties, and made slow progress in his studies.
One day, on his way home after school, he walked by a creek and saw an old woman grinding a very, very thick iron rod. Being curious, he went to the old woman and asked: "Old grandma, why are you grinding this iron rod?"
The old woman replied: "To make a needle."
At this moment, Li Bai felt more curious and asked again: "How can you grind such a thick iron rod into a needle?"
"Yes, I can. I certainly can," the old woman said. "If one works with constant effort, one can grind an iron rod into a needle."
Hearing the old woman's words, Li Bai was enlightened.
Since then, Li Bai studied hard and made rapid progress. Eventually he became a famous poet.
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