my dad and i
my dad and i--we think alike,
he knows just what i mean
before i even say a word
he reads, well, in between.
my dad and i--we like to fish
or build a model plane,
or fix a broken chair or two
or just a windowpane.
my dad and i--we know the score
of every single game;
sometimes he's really busy, too
but he takes me just the same.
my dad and i--we go swimming too,
each year and sometimes twice.
my dad and i--we do everything
my dad--he's really nice.
phyllis c. michael
It takes more than blood to be a dad.
Oh this is surely a proven fact.
I've seen men give his heart to a child …
Never once think of taking it back.
A Dad is the one who is always there;
He protects a child from all harm.
He gives a child the assurance that he
will be their anchor in any storm.
A real Dad is a man that teaches his child
all the things in life he needs to know.
He's the tower of strength a child leans on.
The source of love that helps them grow.
There are men that children call Daddy.
Oh, he is their shelter when it rains.
He showers them with unconditional love.
As if it were his blood in their veins.
Whenever you meet a Dad that redefines the word,
honor him with all the respect that is due.
Understand that he proudly wears this banner……
Because his heart is big enough for you.
It's sad but true that not all men understand
it takes more than blood to be a dad.
Someday if they wake up to their empty life …
They shall miss what they could have had.
To those men who will never be a dad …
No matter what they say or do.
It takes more than blood to possess that title …
And it's only found in a man like you.
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagles in flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
And there was nothing more to add,
He knew his masterpiece was complete,
And He called it – Dad.
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