Tennis, is a kind of sports interesting but expensive. because you have to buy the pat and balls before you play it, especially the pat is rather expensive, it probably cost you several hundred yuan or even more if you want to buy a better one to improve your playing skill. And the ground is basic condition for the tennis players.As building a piece of ground may cost several hundred thousand yuan, so the expense of renting the ground is higher than that of the other kind of sports.In addition,tennis need good skill and technique, which is not so easy to learn and master, hance the players should spend a long time to learn the basic skill of playing tennis. From the angle of profession, the playing pose is crucial for the person who learn playing tennis primitively, which may decide the future of him.Although playing tennis isn't an easy bussiness for amateur, but it actually is interesting and charming, attracting lots of people including students, white-skirt,and so on.
In my memory, there were few people know tennis, even say nothing of playing tennis several years ago.but with the first coming of Great Master into china 2003, tennis has becoming popular more and more in china. Recently,you can see lot of people playing tennis anywhere,regardless of the ground, from that we can see the passion shown by tennis.
The Tennis Great Master first coming to china is 2003, but which hadn't arose the public great attention. by contrast with the last time, the Tennis Great Master in shanghai this year attracts the global eyes,from the building of fully new and modern stadium to well organization and advertising of the game, shanghai impressed world deeply. but there was a little regret for tennis funs was the dropping outof several great masters, safin, aggas, nadar and rodiac was injured with the different part of their bodies, hwiit was absent because of his first baby will come to this world during the time of Master Cup,it was reasonable for him to quit this game. The ATP organization take some active and effective measures to compensate for fans to maintain the brand of Great Master Cup,they announced that the persons who had bought the ticket this year can enjoy the sixty percent of discount next year.Investigation showed that this measure was welcome among the fans, and they were also looking forward to the wonderful games next year.
網球的全球化 The Globalization of Tennis
When talk about tennis, most people’s reaction is money, because for Chinese people, it needs a lot of money to play tennis, so only the rich people can have the chance to be a tennis player. But now, as our country’s economy develops fast and the globalization of tennis, playing tennis is not an untouchable dream, everyone can have access to tennis.
Tennis match is very popular in the western country, every year, there are a lot of tennis tour matches, ten years ago, not so many Chinese people know about the tennis matches, but as the game become more and more popular, people start to fall in love with tennis match. We can see that Chinese tennis players start to show on the world stage, they have won so much honor. Li Na is the first Asian player to win the grand slam, her great success inspires so many Chinese players to work on the tennis career.
Tennis is the world’s third game, football and basketball rank first and second. The globalization of the tennis will make more and more people fall in love with tennis.
Tennis 網球
The earliest origins of tennis are a matter of some dispute.
One side believes that the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans played a precursor to tennis.
Drawings or descriptions of any tennis-like games have not been discovered, but a few Arabic words dating from ancient Egyptian times are cited as evidence. The theory says that the name tennis derives from the Egyptian town of Tinnis alongside the Nile.
Aside from this word, evidence for any form of tennis preceding the year 1000 is lacking, and most historians credit the first origins of the game to 11th or 12th century French monks, who began playing a crude handball against their monastery walls or over a rope strung across a courtyard.
The game took on the name jeu de paume, which means "game of the hand." Many who dispute more ancient origins argue that tennis derived from the French tenez, which meant something to the effect of "take this," said as one player would serve to the other.
這種和尚所玩的遊戲在那時被叫做 jeu de paume,意思是“用手玩的遊戲”。但是還有人說其起源於法國的 tenez一詞,意識是“接住”,也就是一方球手在發球時對另一方球手所說的詞語。
As the game became more popular, courtyard playing areas began to be modified into indoor courts, where the ball was still played off the walls. After bare hands were found too uncomfortable, players began using a glove, then either a glove with webbing between the fingers or a solid paddle, followed by webbing attached to a handle -- essentially a racquet. Rubber balls were still centuries away, so the ball was a wad of hair, wool, or cork wrapped in string and cloth or leather, then in later years, hand-stitched in felt to look something like a modern baseball.
The nobility learned the game from the monks, and some accounts report as many as 1800 courts in France by the 13th century. The game became such a popular diversion, both the Pope and Louis IV tried unsuccessfully to ban it. It soon spread to England, where both Henry VII and Henry VIII were avid players who promoted the building of more courts.
By the year 1500, a wooden frame racquet strung with sheep gut was in common use, as was a cork-cored ball weighing around three ounces. The early tennis courts were quite different from the modern "lawn tennis" court most of us are used to. The early game matured into what is now called "real tennis," and England's Hampton Court, built in 1625, is still used today. Only a handful of such courts remain. It's a narrow, indoor court where the ball is played off walls that include a number of openings and oddly angled surfaces toward which the players aim for various strategic purposes. The net is five feet high on the ends, but three feet in the middle, creating a pronounced droop.
The game's popularity dwindled almost to zero during the 1700s, but in 1850, Charles Goodyear invented a vulcanization process for rubber, and during the 1850s, players began to experiment with using the bouncier rubber balls outdoors on grass.
這種運動在1700年,曾經銷聲匿跡,但是在1850年,Charles Goodyear 發明了一種硫化製造橡膠的工藝,在那時,球員們開始嘗試在草坪上玩這種新式球。
An outdoor game was, of course, completely different from an indoor game played off walls, so several new sets of rules were formulated.
In 1874, Major Walter C. Wingfield patented in London the equipment and rules for a game fairly similar to modern tennis. In the same year, the first courts appeared in the United States. By the following year, equipment sets had been sold for use in Russia, India, Canada, and China.
在1874年,Walter C. Wingfield市長髮明瞭一種新的網球裝置和遊戲規則,類似現在的網球,並獲得了專利權。同年,在美國出現了第一個真正意義上的網球場地。隨後的第二年,這種裝置被銷售到俄羅斯,印度,加拿大和中國。
Croquet was highly popular at this time, and the smooth croquet courts proved readily adaptable for tennis. Wingfield's original court had the shape of an hourglass, narrowest at the net, and it was shorter than the modern court. His rules were subjected to considerable criticism, and he revised them in 1875, but he soon left the further development of the game to others.
In 1877, the All England Club held the first Wimbledon tournament, and its tournament committee came up with a rectangular court and a set of rules that are essentially the game we know today. The net was still five feet high at the sides, a carryover from the game's indoor ancestor, and the service boxes were 26 feet deep, but by 1882, the specifications had evolved to their current form.
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