


  During the doctor's periodic visit to my elderly mother, I told him that Mother would be celebrating her 98th birthday in few days. Delighted by the news, he bent down and gave her a kiss for the occasion. He then announced that he, too, would be celebrating a birthday in few days and asked for a kiss in return. When he left, my mother shook her head in disgust. "Can you imagine, " she said. "Seventy dollars and I had to kiss him too!"

  醫生按期來探視我的老母。我告訴他母親不幾天就要慶祝她98歲的生日了。醫生聽了也很高興,為此,他彎下腰來親了她一下。然後他說不幾天他也要慶祝自己的生日,並要求她還他一個吻。 醫生走後,我母親厭惡地搖搖頭。“你能想象嗎,”她說,“付了他70元,我還得親他!”


  After friends of mine landed at busy Newwark Airport, they were unable to attract the attentionof any porters to help with their luggage. In desperation, the husband took out a five-dollar billand waved it above the crowd. In an instant, a skycap was at his side. Sir, observed theporter, you certainly have excellent communication skills.

  我的朋友們在繁忙的紐瓦克機場著陸後,他們卻不能招呼到腳伕來幫他們搬行李。無奈,丈夫拿出一張五美元的鈔票在人群上面搖晃。 一個頻寬邊帽的人馬上來到他身邊。“先生,”腳伕說道,“很明顯你有絕妙的交際技巧。”


  The notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party. Explaining to a friend how to find hisapartment, he said, "Come up to the fifth floor and ring the doorbell with your elbow. Whenthe door open, push with your foot."


  "Why use my elbow and foot?"


  "Well, gosh," was the reply, "You're not coming empty-handed, are you?"

  “天哪!” 吝嗇鬼回答,“你總不會空著手來吧?”


  After his beloved horse died, a man wanted to place an ad in the newspaper like this: Horse saddle and bridle for $50.Inadvertently***非故意地*** the paper added a comma to the ad, which read instead: Horse, saddle and bridle for $50.Immediately someone responded to the ad, That's an awfully cheap price for a horse, said the caller, What's wrong with your horse?Well, he is dead, replied the man who placed the erroneously***錯誤地*** typed ad.
