


  在中國,商對客***business-to-consumer***網上購物平臺的數量在日益增加,銷售產品的可選種類也日益豐富。與此同時,在中國網路零售市場,網路團購已經迅速成為一個亮點。網購培養了一批網上購物者,加速了中國網路市場的發展。一般的購物網站都銷售各種型別的產品,吸引著眾多消費者來網站尋找不同型別的產品,促進一站式消費***one-stop consumption***。一些消費者喜歡時不時地瀏覽網站,跟進當前的流行趨勢,就像逛百貨商店一樣。


  Business-to-consumer online shopping platforms are growing in number and selling an increasinglylarge variety of products in China. Meanwhile, online group purchase has quickly become a brightspot in China's online retail market, which nurtures a group of online shoppers and speeds up thedevelopment of online market in China. Ordinary shopping websites carry all kinds of products,attracting many consumers to look for different types of products and facilitating one-stopconsumption. Some consumers like to browse through the websites now and then to keep track ofthe current trends, just like window-shopping at department stores.

  1.商對客網上購物平臺:可翻譯為business-to-consumer online shopping platforms。

  2.亮點:可譯為a bright spot。

  3.促進一站式消費:可翻譯為facilitate one-stop consumption。

  4.時不時地瀏覽網站:“時不時地”可翻譯為now and then; “瀏覽”可用browse表達。

  5.跟進當前的流行趨勢:可譯為keep track of the current trends。




  中國擁有全球第二大貧困人口量,僅次於印度。儘管中國的整體生活水平正在提高,但是農村地區和大城市,東部沿海地區和內陸地區***inland area***的差距仍然非常大。中國是發展最不均衡的亞洲國家之一。雖然大多數中國人覺得他們比自己的父母有更高的生活水平,但越來越多的人對不平等、腐敗和消費者權益保護的問題表示擔憂。對於這些問題,中國正在堅持不懈地努力解決,以減小貧富差距。


  China has the second largest number of poor people in the world, only after India.Although theoverall living standard in China is rising, the gaps between rural areas and metropolises, and thecoastal area in East China and inland area remain strikingly obvious.China is one of the mostunevenly developing countries in Asia.Although the majority of Chinese feel that they have a higherliving standard than their parents,there are rising concerns over inequality,corruption,andconsumer rights protection.China is relentlessly working hard to fix these problems,so as toreduce the gap between the rich and the poor.

  1.生活水平:可翻譯為living standard。

  2.東部沿海地區:可翻譯為the coastal area in East China。

  3.內陸地區:可翻譯為inland area。

  4.越來越多的人對不平等、腐敗和消費者權益保護的問題表示擔憂:“不平等” 可用inequality表達;“腐敗”可翻譯為corruption; “消費者權益保護”可翻譯為consumer rights protection。