


  1958年,一位日本人發明了方便麵***instant noodle***。雖然它沒什麼營養***nutrition***卻因為美味並能遏制飢餓,所以在誕生後迅猛發展。目前,中國已經成為世界上最大的方便麵生產國和消費國。中國方便麵的年產量大約為500億包,佔全球總產量的50%以上。對於中國這樣一個人口大國來說,方便麵行業的發展至關重要。它對於擴大消費和需求,特別是賑饑與救災方面發揮著重要的作用。


  1.第1句可直譯為a Japanese invented instant noodle,但為了與下文保持論述角度的一致,故以“方便麵” 作主語,採用被動語態,譯作...was invented by...。時間狀語“1958年”置於句末。

  2.第2句中的“雖然它沒什麼營養,卻因為美味並能遏制飢餓”錶轉折,可直譯為although it is of little nutrition, itcan stop/kill hunger。但將前半句處理成讓步狀語,用介詞短語despite its little nutrition來表達更簡潔明瞭,後半句則處理為主句it is delicious and a hunger killer,譯文結構緊湊、表達生動。“在誕生後迅猛發展”宜採用現在完成進行時態來翻譯,表達為has been developing rapidly since its birth, 表動作的持續性。

  3.第4句“中國方便麵的年產量……,佔全球總產量……”一句中有兩個“產量”,因英語表達習慣忌諱重複用詞,故翻譯“全球總產量”時省略“產量”***production***—詞。“佔全球總產量的50%以上”可處理為前半句的伴隨狀語,用現在分詞短語 accounting over 50 percent of the world's total 來表達。

  4.第5句“......至關重要”可套用句型it is crucial to do sth,狀語“對於中國這樣一個人口大國來說”用介詞短語 for China with such a large population 來表達,置於句首。

  The instant noodle was invented by a Japanese in 1958. Despite its little nutrition, it is delicious and a hunger killer, so it has been developing rapidly since its birth. Now, China has become the world’s largest producer and consumer of instant noodles. China's annual production of instant noodles is around 50 billion packages, accounting for over 50 percent of the world's total For China with such a large population, it is crucial to develop the instant noodle industry. It plays an important role in expanding consumption and demand, especially in hunger and disaster relief.



  皇鋪***pawnshop***是中國最古老的金融行業之一。長期以來,它們為身處危急時刻的人們提供現金。然而在過去的幾十年間,當鋪漸漸消失了。如今它們正迎來一個繁榮發展的新時期。究其原因就是典當行能為顧客提供快速、便捷的金融服務。此外,黃金、珠寶***jewellery***、手錶以及其他值錢的東西都可以典當。到前年底,全國已有5000多間典當行,總交易額***total transaction***超過2000億人民幣。


  1.第2句中的“為***人***提供***物***可用短語provide sth.with sth.或provide sth. to sb.來表達,譯文中分期採用這兩種表達來翻譯第2句的“為人們提供現金”和第6句的為顧客提供金融服務以避免重複,第2句的時間狀語“長期以來”可譯為for a long time,但不如直接用副詞long置於haveprovided之間來得簡潔。

  2.第3句中的時角狀語“在過去的幾十年裡”可直譯為in/during故over the past few decades、也可省略few,表示“幾年”、“幾十年”時,可以直接表達為years和decades。

  3.第6句中的“黃金、珠寶、手錶以及其他值錢的東西”翻譯時在gold jewellery and watches前面增譯items***物品***來說明性質,表達為items like gold...,使語義表達更為清晰明確。

  4.最後一句中的“總交易額超過2000億人民幣”可處理成伴隨狀語,用介詞短語with a total transaction ofover 200 billion RMB 來表達即可。

  Pawnshops are one of the oldest financial businessesin China. They have long provided people with cashduring desperate times. But over the past fewdecades, pawnshops have disappeared gradually.Now they are welcoming a new booming era. Thereason is that pawnshops can provide swift andconvenient financial services to customers. Inaddition, items like gold, jewelleiy, watches and others valuable can be pawned. By the end ofthe year before last, more than 5,000 pawnshops were opened around the country with a totaltransaction of over 200 billion RMB.