Educators today are more and more often heard to say that computer literacy is absolutely necessary for college students. Many even argue that each incoming freshman should have permanent access to his or hcr own microcomputer. What advantages do computers offer the college students?
Any student who has used a word processor will know one compelling reason to use a computer: to write papers. Although not all students feel comfortable composing on a word processor, most find revising and editing much easier on it. One can alter, insert, or delete just by pressing a few keys, thus eliminating the need to rewrite or re-type. Furthermore, since the revision process is less burdensome, students are more likely to revise as often as is necessary to end up with the best paper possible. For these reasons, many freshman English courses require the use of a word processor.
Computers are also useful in the context of language courses, where they are used to drill students in basic skills. Software programs reinforce ESL***English as a Second Language *** instruction, as well as instruction in French, German, Spanish, and other languages. By using these programs on a regular basis, students can improve their proficiency in a language while proceeding at their own pace.
Science students take advantage of computers in many ways. Using computer graphic capabilities, for example, botany students can represent and analyze different plant growth patterns. Medical students can learn to interpret computerized images of internal body structures. Physics students can complete complex calculations far
more quickly than they could without the use of computer.
Similarly, business and accounting students find that computer spreadsheet programs are all but indispensable to many aspects of their work, while students pursuing careers in graphic arts. marketing, and public relations find that knowledge of computer graphic is important. Education majors learn to develop grading systems using computers, while social science students use computers for analyzing and graphically displacing their research results.
It is no wonder, then, that educators support the purchase and use of microcomputers by students. A versatile tool, the computer can help students learn. And that is, after all, the reason for going to college.
56. The word "literacy" ***Line 1, Paragraph 1*** means__________.
A. the ability to read and write
B. the ability to use
C. literature
D. the knowledge of language
57. The main purpose of this passage is to __________.
A. persuade the educators to increase computer use in their own classroom
B. analyze advantages and disadvantages of computer use among college students
C. identify some of the ways that computers benefit college students
D. describe how computers can be used to teach foreign languages
58. According to the author, a word processor can be used to __________.
A. revise papers
B. retype papers
C. reduce the psychological burden of writing papers
D. improve the writing skills of a student
59. In this passage, the writer's argument is developed primarily through the use of __________.
A. cause-effect analysis
B. comparison and contrast
C. induction
D. examples
60. According to the author, the reason for students to go to college is__________.
A. to learn something
B. to perfect themselves
C. to improve computer skills
D. to make the best use of computers
解析:literacy最基本的意思是tlle ability to read and write,但在本文中的literacy出現於第一段:
Educators today are more and more often heard to say that computer literacy is absolutely necessary for college students.因此,此處literacy引申為“使用的能力”。故選B。
定位:根據題幹資訊main purpose of this passage可知解答本題需要通觀全文。
定位:根據題幹資訊wordprocessorcanbe usedto可將答案定位到第二段第二、三句。
定位:根據題幹資訊the writer’s argument is developed primarily through可知解答本題需要通觀全文。
定位:根據題幹資訊the reason for students to go to college可將答案定位到文章最後一段。解析:文章在舉例說明了電腦對各專業學生的幫助之後,再次回到首段中提到的觀點,即教育專家為什麼支援學生使用電腦。作者總結道:“作為一種多功能工具,電腦能夠幫助學生學習。畢竟,這也就是讀大學的原因。”可見上大學的終極目標也就是學習。故選A。
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