One day John and Bill were fishing. John took his ***1***_____ Black with him on the riverbank.When the dog saw a bird, he would run ***2***_____ it and try to ***3***_____ it. “All the fish areafraid and ***4***_____ away,” said Bill. “Be quiet, Black.” John shouted at the dog, ***5***_____ Blackdid not listen to him. “Shall we go now, Bill?” asked John, “Next time I shall not bring him here***6***______.
“Wait,” said Bill, “A fish is biting my line.” “Be careful!” shouted John. But it was too***7***______. The boy fell into the water. “Help! Help!” Bill shouted. But John couldn't swim,either. ***8***_______ Black came out. He jumped into the water and ***9***_____ the boy onto thebank and ***10***______ his life.
*** ***1. A. fish B. dog C. cat D. friend
*** ***2. A. into B. onto C. away D. after
*** ***3. A. smell B. play C. catch D. shout
*** ***4. A. walk B. swim C. fly D. run
*** ***5. A. and B. or C. but D. so
*** ***6. A. too B. either C. again D. also
*** ***7. A. late B. dangerous C. fast D. safe
*** ***8. A. Right now B. At times C. Since then D. Just then
*** ***9. A. saw B. tried to help C. pulled D. swam together
*** ***10.A. gave B. made C. came to D. saved
這是一篇記敘文,文章講述的是John 的寵物狗——Black 的事情。文章通過前後對比,體現出Black 的頑皮,又體現出他的機敏。
1.B. 根據下句可知答案。
2.D. 狗肯定是跟在鳥的後面跑。這是一個常理。
3.C. 狗跟著鳥跑一定是想捉住它。
4.B. 魚在水裡肯定是遊著走的。
5.C. 根據前面的“John shouted at the dog.” 和後面的“Black Did not listen to it.”可知這裡是一個轉折含義的句子。因此應該填入but。
6.C. 由於Black 把魚都嚇跑了,所以下次John 不會把Black 帶上了。
7.A. 當John 讓Bill 要當心時,已經為時已晚了。Bill 已經落水了。
8.D. 根據所給詞語的詞義可知答案。
9.C. Black 肯定是把Bill拉上岸的。
10.D. 這次是Black 救了Bill 的命了。
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