Tina loved to run. She began running at a very young age and always competed in a school cross-country races. Winning was very important to Tina; but even though she would train after school and on weekends, she always came in second or third place.
The girl who always came in first was Janice. tina just couldn't get past her. Tina thought that if she could just get in front of Janice, she would have a chance to win. Finally, in one race, Tina got the break she wanted.
It began like usual, Janice was in the lead. Suddenly, Janice caught her foot on something and she tripped. Tina ran as fast as she could to stay in the lead, but Janice caught up and passed her. Tina stopped focusing on the race and 4 more girls passed her. She came in sixth place.
Tht day Tina realized that "You couldn't rely on other people's misfortunes to get ahead in life." Only your own hard work and talents will take you to first place.
五年級簡單英語故事:The boy who was almost forgotten
It was a Tuesday afternoon when Kevin arrived atthe city's local group home for children withoutparents. He had been living in an old rundown housewith his four other siblings and their mother, whowas badly addicted to drugs.
The house was in terrible condition and paseddangers for the children. Their mother was also in a bad state and did little to care for herchildren, so child protection services stepped in and placed in foster care.
When Kevin first came to the home, he had many problems that prevented him from makingfriends easily. He would often throw a fit for attention or sit in a cornor crying. He fought withother children and didn't know how to control his emotions.
Finally, after a year of hard work from the staff at the foster home Kevin had softened up a bitand learned to trust again. A family adopted Kevin. They were determined to love and giveKevin what he needed to be a healthy and happy child.
If I didn't get help I may have lost my daughtersforever. That was the reason I sought treatment. Ifirst began drinking at parties, dinners and othersocial gatherings . Then I began drinking on my ownat home and work.
I was fired from my job because I had lack of focus. I went on social assistance from thegovernment .My daughters saw the worst of me and began not to trust me.
They would come home from school unsure of what they would find. They didn't know if I wouldbe drunk or sober, angry or happy.
The day my little girl pulled away from me when I went to hug her was the day I realized I hadto get help for my problem. I went to a center for alcoholics.Through the help of socialworkers, my children and I received living assistance and guidance.
Now two years later, I am sober. If I ever feel like a drink, I just think of my girls and rememberhow good it feels to hug them again.
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