The year was 1993 and due to the recession people were losing their jobs and their homes. Katy Stiles was one of these people. She had to find a cheaper apartment and figure out a way to get back on her feet.
Katy was a talented graphic designer and should have had no problem finding work, but no one was hiring. She decided to start her own business. She sent a proposal to Focus, an agency that helps people start up small businesses. The agency is funded by the government and doesn’t require its clients to pay any fees for their services. This was great news for Katy. She had 15 sessions with a counselor who gave her information on finance planning, writing a strong business plan and instructed her on good business practices.
Now Katy has a successful graphic design company that gives its clients fantastic results. Katy had the talent but not the skills to make her own business. With a little help from the right people, Katy has been successful in meeting her goal.
Sammy was out for a walk in the woods when shecame across a little puppy laying on the trail. Sammybent down and the little dirty puppy opened its eyes.She could see that the small animal hadn't beeneating proper meals and its skin was covered in cuts.
Sammy scooped up the creature and carried it home. Once home Sammy put the puppystraight into the bath. The puppy didn't like the water and as it was trying to get out of thesink, Sammy discovered the puppy was a girl. Finally, after the pup was cleaned and fed, shetook her to the vet. The vet gave the tiny dog some medicine and told Sammy the pup wouldbe fine.
Sammy wanted to keep the puppy but she couldn't because she was allergic to dogs. Sammyposted the puppy's picture on the Internet. Five days later a family came and took the puppyhome. Sammy was sad to see her little friend go but she knew she was going to a good home.
It took 46 years for me to realize that I was holding myselfback in my career. I am a businessman and I love it! However I wasn’t giving myself enough credit for my skills. In other words, I wasn’t charging enough for my services.
I was working too hard and barely getting by. This created a bad situation. Many people were calling me to ask for my services because they had heard about my low fees. I was overworked and began to dislike my job.
A few months ago, I took a workshop that taught me how to recognize my skills and see their dollar value. I began to see myself as a professional instead of someone to be taken advantage of .
It has been only a few months but I am beginning to see many fantastic changes in my career and life. My clientele has also changed. I am receiving jobs from some pretty amazing and important people in the community. I feel grateful that I have discovered a new relationship with my career and myself.
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