When Rowan was born with one good leg and the other deformed and useless, her doctor and family thought this child is going to have a difficult time in life.
Rowan's mother, however, never saw her daughter as anything less than perfect and raised Rowan to be strong and confident.
At the age of 7, Rowan was fitted with a faked leg that had most of the same motion a real leg would have. That Christmas she saw the ballet, the Nutcracker, for the first time with he family. Rowan fell in love with the grace of the dancers and decided she wanted to be a dancer.
Everyone, except her mother, told her it was impossible. Rowan was determined and jioned a community dance class.
Despite the snickers from the other children, she entered her first dance recital at the age of 14. She didn't win, but she did have fun.
Over the years, she kept dancing. When Rowan turned 26, she opened a dance school that taught children with disabilities. Above the door to her school, hangs the sign"Rowan's dance school—Dance for Gifted Children."
Suddenly, the bus began to cross the street intooncoming traffic. Most of the people on the busdidn't even see what happened because it happenedso fast. I saw though, and it will never leave mymind.
The bus driver had to make a decision quickly and he drove the bus into a truck in order tomiss hitting a young mother with her two children. When the bus hit the truck, people wasthrown from their seats and I could hear glass being broken. People were crying and Iremember being scared.
Finally the bus stopped. The bus had turned onto its side, and some of the seats had beenpushed together.Most of the people just looked around with a confused look on their face. Allexcept one man. Somehow, he was moving around and helping people.
It was amazing that he seemed to know exactly what to do even though the rest of us wereout of it. He managed to help every person on the bus out of a window and to safety. That manwas truly our angel.
Shane was the smallest in his Brazilian Jiujitsuclass. He knew that shouldn't matter but he stillsometimes found himself wishing he was taller andstronger.His instructor taught him moves thatworked well with his size, but even though, hetrained hard he just couldn't beat the bigger guys.
He was frustrated and almost quit, but his instuctor encourged him to keep going.One day,when he got to class, he saw a sign up sheet for an upcoming tournament.
Shane wanted to compete, but he was too nervous. His teacher convinced him sign up.Shane trained everydy until the tournament.Finally, the day arrived. At the competition,Shane saw the guy he was going to fight. Shane and he were the same size! This made Shanefeel a bit better, but he still knew that he had to do his best. The fight began, and Shanefought hard. He won two out of his three matches. When the fights were over, and the judgesadded up each opponent's score, shane won!
【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陳怡芬 譯