一年級英語故事短文:The dog and the wolf
A wolf was almost dead with hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked, "Friend, your irregular life will soon ruin you."Why don't you work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly?"
"I would have no objection," said the wolf, "if I could only get a place." "I will help you," said the dog. "Come with me to my master, and you shall share my work."
So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.
On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog's neck.He felt quite surprised, and asked him why it was like that?
"Oh, it is nothing," said the dog. "Every night my master puts a collar around my neck andchains me up. You will soon get used to it."
"Is that the only reason?" said the wolf. "Then good-bye to you, my friend. I would rather be free."
一年級英語故事短文:Hercules and the waggoner
A waggoner was once driving a heavy load on a very muddy road.
Suddenly the wheels of the wagon sank into the mire, and the horse could not pull them out.
The waggoner threw down his whip. He knelt down and prayed to Hercules. "Hercules, help me,please," he said.
But Hercules appeared to him, and said, "Man, don't kneel there. Get up and put yourshoulder to the wheel."
一年級英語故事短文:The milkmaid and her pail
A milkmaid was going to the market. She carried her milk in a pail on her head.
As she went along she began calculating what she would buy after she had sold the milk."I'll buy a new dress, and when I go to the ball, all the young men will dance with me!"
As she spoke she tossed her head back. The pail immediately fell off her head, and all the milk was spilt.
The girl went back without anything. She felt very sad. "Ah, my child," said her mother. "Do not count your chickens before they are hatched."
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