there are mankindof thanksgiving dayin the world. american thanksgiving daianother important holidarelated to christianity. it ion the fourth thursdaof each november. thanksgiving dain america iconsidered aa time to offer thanks, of familgatheringand holidameals, such aturkeys, pumpkin pie, indian corn and so on. there are alwayholidaparadeand hot balloonon that day.
thanksgiving originated from the united states, which ithe forth thursdaof november, but in canada itthe second mondaof october. it started out aa holidacelebrating the aboriginals, but now it extended to be the celebration of otheraround you.
on that day, people would have a 2-dabreak, which thewould meet up with familand friendand celebrate with joand gratitude.
the deliciouturkeithe main course at everthanksgiving dinner.
in the united states, the fourth thursdain november icalled thanksgiving day.
on that day, americangive thankfor the blessingthehave enjoyed during the year.thanksgiving daiusualla familday. people alwaycelebrate with big dinnerand happreunions. pumpkin pie and indian pudding are traditional thanksgiving desserts.
relativefrom other cities, studentwho have been awaat school, and manother americantravel a long distance to spend the holidaat home.
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