How was your interview at the embassy today?
My visa was denied.
Why? Aren't you just going to travel abroad?
I have no idea. The consular officer just asked me a couple of questions.
So what was the reason you were denied?
There wasn't sufficient reason I would return.
Librarian: Right. First things first, this is the library issue desk. This is where you get
your books issued, and where you need to return them when they are due back. There are three types of loans: long loan-which is for three weeks, short loan-which is for three days, and overnight loan-which means exactly what it says.
Shirley: So can we borrow all of the books here?
Librarian: No... absolutely not. You can borrow a maximum of 15 books at any given time. Some of the books are on restricted access. Now, some lecturers put certain books in a special subject collection where students can access them easily, and there are usually multiple copies of certain set texts and core readings there. Also,each module generally has a core reading handbook, which is a booklet containing articles from periodicals and academic journals relevant to that module.
Shirley: Oh... right
Librarian: Right. Let's go and have a look at the library catalogue. You can access this
via the Intranet from your own computer, but I'll just show you how to access it from the
library PCs. Right... if we log onto the library site we can。the main menu: author,title, periodicals or serials title, keywords,subject headings, classmark, ISSN/ISBN and
catalogue help. So, who wants to give me the name of a book?
Shirley: Big Questions in History.
Librarian: Ok... I'll click on title and type the name in. Right, now you can see that we have it…there's the name and there's the author's name…Harriet Swain.Actually, she's the editor, so this book is a collection of essays by other authors.Now, tell me, what is the classmark of the book?
Shirley: Erm...the classmark? Ah... you mean the number, A902/995643?
Librarian: Good...now click on the classmark and it'll take you back to the page for that book. Here is the page... where is the book held? From here you can see its full bibliographic details as well as its location in the library and status.
Shirley: I see... so it is the 2005 edition,held in the Art and Humanity Library,Floor E and it is available.
Librarian: Once you have located the book and made sure it is available, you can go to that floor to get the book. Remember to note down the classmark, because there are thousands of books on each floor and they are all arranged according to their classmarks.
Shirley: Got it.
Librarian: One more thing, if the book you are looking for is not available, in other words, already borrowed, you may reserve it, so that you will receive a notice from us once it is returned. To reserve a book, just click the "reserve" button on the top right of the page for that book and then enter your surname and student number.
雪莉:分類號?噢.你是指這個號碼嗎,A902 /995613?
A: excuse me, do you know where the visa office is?
B: yes, I do. I’ll walk you there.
A: thanks!
B: are you applying to study or work abroad?
A: I want to study abroad.
B: what do you want to study?
A; I hope to study English literature.
B; have you got your visa yet?
A; not yet. I have an interview with the visa official today.
B; I see. Is it your first interview?
A: I was denied a visa?
B: why?
A: like most students. I want to work in America after graduation.
B; I see. Well, good luck!
A: guess what came in the mail today?
B: what?
A: my acceptance letter to Yale!
B; wow! Congratulation! When do classes start?
A: freshman orientation is the last week of august, but I want to go two weeks before that to get settled in.
B: you’re so lucky! Do you have to do many things before you leave?
A; yes. I’ll be very busy! I have to get a visa, buy a plane ticket, and pack my things. But first, I want to register for class.
B; when can you do that?
A: well, they sent me their prospectus, so I can start looking now. do you want to help me decide which classed to take?
B: sure. What can you choose from?
A; well, I have to take all the fundamental course, plus a few from my major.
B; what is your major?
A; I hope to major in English literature, but the admissions counselor told me that many people change their major times in their first year, so we’ll see.
B: what are the fundamental course?
A: in order to graduate, every student must take a certain amount of classed in history, math, English, philosophy, science and art.
B: interesting. That’s very different from the Chinese education system.
A: yes, it is . It’s also very different from the British education system.
B: really?
A: oh, sure. In British, students don’t have to take the foundation course.
B: why not?
A: maybe because they think they know everything already ! ha ha.
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